Splinterlands - Key Life Cards to Own



Hello! In the last weeks, I presented two posts from this series already - the key cards to own in both the Water and Earth splinters. This time, I am looking at the Life splinter to finish off the list of splinters that I really enjoy playing. Of course, I will continue the list with Death and Fire and finish off with Dragon, but I am definitely not as invested in those three as I am in Water, Earth or Life.

Life has gotten very different with this expansion. Previously, between Chanseus, Tyrus, Mother Khala and Lorna, Life summoners were fully defensive, as much as there were some offensive Life teams (Lorna Sneak anyone?). Now we got General Sloan which flipped the script on its head - the offensive ranged attack bonus is powerful, but some still do find it overwhelming, especially in comparison to Selenia Sky.

The few disclaimers from the previous post still apply - the cards are considered for up to Silver league, their price is crucial (I'd love to suggest buying Kralus or Chanseus, but that's just not realistic) and I am focusing on modern - will only include cards for Wild if they seem like crazy good deals.
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Cave Slug - $0,86/BCX


I have mentioned this card already in the "Untamed cards to pick up" post, so I will just reiterate what I wrote there. Cave Slug is a crucial addition to your Life teams, as it is a fantastic opportunity mosnter which works extremely well in every ruleset, but shines especially in Reverse Speed.

You only need Cave Slug at level 3 to get its full potential - the third point of attack, but without getting any extra speed to scuff its Reverse Speed potential. That means that your investment will only be around 12$ and in turn you will receive a fantastic addition to your Life deck - especially Lorna Shine works great with Cave Slug and other Sneak and Opportunity monsters.
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Dax Paragon - $1,50/BCX


Dax Paragon is a cheap 2-mana monster that was introduced in the most recent expansion - and you surely do not want to miss out on it! Again, you do not need it maxed completely for Silver, as Dax Paragon's full potential for this league is at level 2 when he gets the Amplify ability.

Amplify is incredibly powerful and there are not that many instances of this ability in Silver. Dax Paragon brings it to Life, allowing some of the cards to get quite powerful. One example is a card that made it to this list - Pelacor Conjurer. With its Magic Reflect getting Amplified, you can get a lot of damage done, while only paying 4 mana for the Dax + Conjurer package.
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Pelacor Conjurer - $0,04/BCX


I did not expect to be putting a Chaos Legion common reward card on this list, but Pelacor Conjurer is just the perfect addition for the Life splinter. It is a low mana tank that has both Flying and Magic Reflect, leading to potentially countering both melee/ranged, as well as magic attackers.

While you do want Pelacor Conjurer at least at level 4, that does not mean you have to invest a lot. You can get that far for just over 1 dollar! There isn't a better investment for your one dollar than getting your Pelacor Conjurer to that sweet Magic Reflect threshold. While this card isn't very likely to appreciate in value anytime soon, due to its insanely high print count, it is really powerful and you're missing out if you do not have it.
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Soul Fiend - $6,28/BCX


I recommend getting all the Fiends at level one. The great part about Fiends for Silver league is that you really do not need to level them at all - their breakpoints are only level 1 and MAX, with the improvements in between being fairly insignificant. Soul Fiend is a great card that works in any low-mana battle.

Soul Fiend can work great in Life, also because of cards like Truthspeaker, which make it so that it can block more than just one attack. With General Sloan being the CL summoner and the cheapest one, the fact that Soul Fiend gives your ranged backline more time to get damage in before they inevitably have to be in the frontline can be the difference between winning and losing the game.
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Silvershield Assassin - $8,25/BCX


The only monster in this list that is not going to be playable in modern - but in my opinion Silvershield Assassin is going to be great to have if you care even the least about playing wild. With Sneak and Double Strike, it is capable of deleting the enemy backline.

At level 3, which only takes 5 (FIVE!) BCX, it gets the second point of attack. That is crazy when combined with Double Strike, making it one of the most powerful Life cards. While it does cost over 8 bucks per BCX, the fact it is an old reward card makes it only around $40 to get it to level 3 - I believe this card is not only great for playing with, but also as an investment for the future! You want to play it with Lorna Sneak most of the time, but it is also good as a way to add some extra backline damage into a regular team.

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Closing Words

Life is a great splinter that turned a little different with General Sloan, finally being able to go ont he offensive. I cannot wait to see what the legendary summoner will be a few months from now, as I am looking to max all of those - and I definitely hope that the Life one will make me want to play the splinter a lot!

I believe that the cards above can improve any Life deck significantly and having them can boost your flexibility when playing the splinter and in turn - your winrate!

All the images are screenshots from Splinterlands, while the image in the thumbnail is the Splinterlands banner from the SPL facebook page.

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