Splinterlands - Key Earth Cards to Own


Hello! Last week, before I fell ill, I started a little bit of a series - key cards to own for each splinter. I started out with my favourite splinter, which is Water, and I will continue descending down that list. My second favourite Splinter is most likely either Life or Earth, so I will describe one of them in this post.

Final decision is Earth - it is a little simpler to play due to its easy Magic option, as well as very versatile with Mylor. Many strong cards for this splinter are also quite cheap which make this list very enjoyable to make.

The few disclaimers from the previous post still apply - the cards are considered for up to Silver league, their price is crucial (I'd love to suggest buying Llama Kron, but that's just not realistic) and I am focusing on modern - will only include cards for Wild if they seem like crazy good deals.

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Queen Mycelia - $25,35/BCX


While all the airdrops are great and shiny, none of them managed to take the title of the most powerful Chaos Legion legendary just yet. Why? Queen Mycelia exists! This is the best - but also priciest - in the set. She is worth these 25$, however. Even in this awfully low market, she is the one CL legendary that rents for more than ~1DEC. She is simply extremely strong.

Queen Mycelia at level one is the Earth's answer to Venari Wavesmith - except legendary and having Obsidian in modern. The thing is, her level 1 form is actually very mild compared to where she goes as she levels up. I will only describe her powers for up to Silver, but at level two (so for around $75) she gets Amplify. In a splinter that packs not only Mylor Crowling, but also Centauri Mage, Failed Summoner, Mycelic Morphoid, Venari Knifer.. Simply incredible.
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Wood Nymph - $2,94/BCX


Wood Nymph only needs to be level one for you to take full advantage of her, so this per BCX price will be all you need to pay. Sure, getting the extra health and speed is awesome, but it is not necessary.

Wood Nymph is a mini Goblin Psychic that works in lower mana when you need to allocate the rest in a more efficient way. On top of that, she can supplement Goblin Psychic and work in a double heal composition with Unicorn Mustang, Nectar Queen and other high health tanks. Being a magic attacker means that she's capable of dealing some damage as well, especially with Obsidian being a starter summoner.
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Grund - $3,75/BCX


Earth really has been blessed with some crazy Chaos Legion cards in the main release, as not only does it have the most powerful and expensive legendary, but also epic. Grund is unmatched when it comes to price and also at the top when it comes to power - only closely followed by the likes of The Forgotten One and Magi Necrosi.

Double Strike, high stats.. What else could you want? Grund shines in a multitude of situations - from high mana battles, through melee-friendly rulesets, to even solo-winning games with Scarred Llama Mage. You ideally want Grund at level 3 for even more damage, but his base form is strong enough to win you quite some high mana cap games. Pair him with a backline taunt or some healing and he can mill through entire teams!
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Centauri Mage - $2,96/BCX


Perhaps the most unorthodox inclusion on this list, Centauri Mage has definitely levelled up with Obsidian and Mycelia joining the fray. While it was already great to soft counter anti-Mylor ranged lineups before, it has now become one of the cards I really dislike playing without.

Being a magic damage dealer, it has an obvious place in an Obsidian deck, especially with its high health making it a great off-tank. It is essentially the Return Fire version of Prismatic Energy and it fills a similar niche. It also has a great synergy with Spirit Hoarder in Snipe rulesets, and works quite well in non-melee just as well. You also only need Centauri Mage at level 1, although if you have the money, level 3 can be extremely tempting!
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Mitica Headhunter - $10,55/BCX


For this description, there is no reason for me to write the same thing as I did less than 2 weeks ago.. So I will just quote my own post here.

Her stats make her a great addition to your Earth teams. In high mana battles, her high damage output cannot be undervalued. She has a big upside of being a unit that works with Mylor, as well as against Mylor - one of the best summoners in Silver and the game overall. Headwinds aren't too common of an ability in Silver either, same for Return Fire, so her attacks will be rather safe. In total, she will cost you exactly the 10,55$, unless you really value that extra attack point.. Then get ready to spend upwards of a 100$!

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Closing Words

Earth is a ton of fun to play, even if it can feel a little one-dimensional if you do not own Mylor. Obsidian made it possible to play some absolutely disgusting comps with cards like Goblin Psychic and Wood Nymph, while Queen Mycelia.. Well, she just flipped the power tables on their head with her arrival, forming likely the strongest Silver team in the game with Mylor Crowling and the Protect + Amplify.

All the images are screenshots from Splinterlands, while the image in the thumbnail is the Splinterlands banner from the SPL facebook page.



I use to compare the Grund to Unicorn Mustang. They're devastating earth Monsters that are mostly not rivalled in the other elements. Earth and death are my favourite splinter though.


Yeah for sure! Grund with Mycelic Slipspawn is amazing in high mana!

I prefer Water, but really like Earth too. I wish I had some of the older cards like Prince Rennyn or even just Epona, such a fun splinter.


It's almost difficult to get consistent high mana battles, that's why it's difficult to utilise some of these big guns. Really.


Again a great suggestion of which cards to buy and I can not believe that I still do not own my own Woodnymph (by that I mean @solymi does not own her) gotta get that queen mycelia to an amplify level right now as well!


Ngl, I still just rent Centauri Mage and Wood Nymph - there is no good reason, I just never got around to buying them😂 I finally bought myself a Kelp Initiate, so about time I pull the trigger on these as well.


I almost never use kelp IDK why. But except for Almo and Failed summoner I just try to put damage on the field...
