Skyweaver - New Mini-Expansion Announced and My Second Serious Week



Hello! This week, I will be continuing what I started last Monday, writing something about Skyweaver every week. In the beginning I will already spoil a bit about the next week, as I want to do some research into the planned tokenomics of the game and write about it in the next post. Today will be a little less in-depth, as it will be a simple summary of what I've done last week, combined with the news of a new mini-expansion that was announced very recently!

As a quick reminder, Skyweaver is a TCG with Play to Earn elements, currently in Open Beta. It is a game where you fight your opponent using cards from one or two of five different prisms, with quite a lot of depth - it is like a bit more complicated Hearthstone or Shadowverse!

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Mini-Expansion Announced

New expansion was announced on the 3rdh of March by the Skyweaver team, scheduled to come out on the 17th of March. It will include 10 cards in total: 5 spells and 5 units, 1 for each of the existing prisms. This might not be a huge amount, but sometimes even just two cards per prism can give birth to new and exciting archetypes.

What I am hyped about is that they announced it would be focusing on Enchants and I find the enchants and unit attachments in general one of the most interesting parts of the game. We do not know yet in what capacity it will focus on enchants and if a new type will be introduced.. But I sure can't wait to find out!

So far we have been shown one card and I believe the rest will be gradually shown over the coming days. It is the Amaruath's Will.


This looks exciting, as it utilizes Anima, which is one of the coolest enchants. Because it triggers also when you replace it with other attachments like Fate or Barrier, you can often give your units the +2/+2 easily and safely. This card makes sure that it won't replace any important attachments by only working with cards that don't have attachments yet. The fact it does not have instant impact is a problem, but the draw should usually make it still worth it. That said, I do not play much Strength, so I would rather refrain from judging this card - I don't really have the knowledge for that.

I cannot wait to see what Wisdom and Intellect get in this expansion, being the two prisms I find the most fun to play!
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My Week in Skyweaver

This was my second week of playing Skyweaver in a more serious way - although I had a bit less time to play as much, between responsibilities, celebrating carnaval, as well as having to attend some after-hours matters. That said, I am still quite happy with what I did this week, as I progressed a bit in the game and feel like I learnt quite a bit about it through playing the few games that I did.

Season Stats


My stats for the whole season are still pretty good, with a 69% winrate over 97 matches. It definitely is better than I expected, as I thought I would struggle a bit in Master/Grandweaver - after all, I'm still fairly new to the game. Clearly, I was worried for nothing, as my stats for this season, which I spent almost entirely in Grandweaver are 16-8. While not the craziest, it means I managed to keep a 66% winrate, which I am rather satisfied with - although I want to aim higher than that over the next weeks!

This meant that I received two Silver cards, as I finished the week in the top 50 of Grandweaver. Towards the end of the season, I mostly camped my top 50 position, because I did not have much time to play and I did not want to dig myself into a hole that would led me to only get 1 Silver or even none. I think I will attempt to get even more Silver cards in the next weeks.

The Silver cards that I got this time were See Shore and Soul Taunt. While I do not exactly know their strength (still not a constructed player due to collection), I do appreciate the wordplay on See Shore. Sadly, the cards are Heart and Strength, so I will not even see them in Silver in Discovery, as these are the two prisms I play the least.


As for my own development, I tried out two new heroes in order to expand my horizons. At first, I played Ada (Strength) for a few games, but after going 3-3, I decided it is simply not my kind of playstyle. It is the typical fight for the board and do mostly "fair" things to win kind of a prism. I much prefer to do unfair crazy things. I then switched to Ari (Intellect) and really enjoyed it. This is how I played the remaining games, so my score would be 13-5. Quite good, with most of the losses being to Agility, which got buffed and became quite broken in the latest patch.

Alt Account Creation


As I didn't have time to make up for any deficits I would fall into by losing games on my main account, I have created an alt one. This is also for the future, where I will now be able to camp the leaderboard with my main and practice new heroes on this one.

Skyweaver allows you to have as many accounts as you want, but it has a zero tolerance policy towards botting and win-trading. Those will get you banned from receiving any rewards and maybe even playing the game altogether. I like this approach, as I find having alts really useful, while wintrading is obviously an awful practice.

So far, I have not used the account too much. I played 9 games and won them all, playing Iris (Agility + Wisdom). While this hero does not seem overly synergistic (Wisdom and Agility are the most opposite prisms in the game) and is likely not too powerful, I find it so much fun to be able to adjust my gameplan between Agility and Wisdom depending on what I draw. Of course, the 100% winrate means nothing, as it was achieved in the lowest possible rank. I am looking forward to ranking up on this second account and possibly even aim to park two accounts in Grandweaver!

Goals and Plans for Next Week

As previously, I will put the goals shortly, as I - once again - ended up blabbering for a bit longer than I should have. I will start with recapping on my goals from last week. Bullet points time!

  • I managed to hit top 50 Grandweaver right away the week after!
  • I did not really broaden my collection enough, as I haven't played so much this week - definitely something to improve upon!
  • I did practice two new prisms and even made a new account to expand on that.

Now, let's look to the future. What do I want to do?

  • Play Conquest this week. I aim to get at least one gold as a minimum, but I believe 3-5 of them is a realistic goal to have as well.
  • Get my alt to Master to try and get a Silver on that account as well, so that I can enter Conquest the week after.
  • Use my alt to practice more dual prisms which I have too little experience on.
  • In the next season (so the week after this one) aim to get two accounts in Grandweaver to be able to do "staircase laddering", so play the lower ranked account until it gets above the other one, then switch.

Some of these are short-term, some long-term, but I definitely want to achieve those and will work hard towards it. I love the game and would love to earn some extra change from it to reinvest in other projects eventually!
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Closing Words

Every week I play Skyweaver, I like it even more. I discover more combos and tricks, which makes it just so much fun. This week, I also learnt most of the existing cards of interest, such as board sweeps and late-game bombs, which really increased my quality of play. I feel like I improved a lot and while I still misplay quite a bit, I constantly feel more confident about my skills.

All images, including the thumbnail, are screenshots from Skyweaver.

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0.000 PAL

The more I read posts about Skywaver, the more I want to try it out.
I also like the approach taken: yes to multiaccounts but no to bots.
What is the initial investment you recommend?

0.000 PAL

The thing with Skyweaver is that you don't need to invest at all - I believe they are working on some sort of tokenomics (as I wrote, I wanna dive into that this week to write something next Monday), but for now all the earning is related to playing well.

The Discovery mode is one you don't need any collection for(you play with a randomly created deck) and all the cards are unlockable for free even for Constructed, so the only things that cost something are cosmetics/collectibles - the Silver and Gold versions of the cards.

So, I would suggest not investing anything, as the game is essentially free - and the cosmetics do sell fairly well and if the game ever becomes big, the value of Golds will likely get huge (gold versions of 8 cards per week are only ever minted for that week and never again after that).

0.000 PAL

I've been seeing more and more posts about this game. It looks fantastic and I've been meaning to start playing soon.

0.000 PAL