Dilletante's Review #6 - I Am Georgina: Season 1


Hello! Lately I've moved onto reviewing different kinds of series and I will be continuing that trend. It will be slightly different, however, as this is (I think) not completely a reality show. Instead, it is.. more of a biographical lifestyle kind of a show. Now, this could be extremely interesting if it was about a significant historical figure or an exciting celebrity, right? Well, I'll have to disappoint you, instead we're going into a series I've watched with my girlfriend quite mockingly, out of curiosity how in the world this was the person of choice.

In this review, we will be following the series that shows the lifestyle of Georgina. Who? Cristiano Ronaldo's wife. I was flabbergasted to see a show about her, but decided to give it a chance - albeit coming in with a lot of warranted scepticism. I wanted to see if maybe she does something crazy important, something life-changing - was an inspiration for CR7? Well, you'll find out within this review - you'll also see what I think about it.


I should honestly stop calling it synopsis for some of these reviews, but I do somehow enjoy the consistency. There is no real big storyline throughout the show, as it just shows different aspects of Georgina's life.

Georgina is Cristiano Ronaldo's wife and that is what she is known for the most, but she does have multiple other occupation that she keeps herself busy with. Aside from attending multiple galas, fancy shows and all kinds of events, she is also an influencer with millions of followers on social media. On top of that, she helps Cristiano with his businesses and obviously takes care of the kids while her husband is extremely busy with his life of a professional football player.

The series supposedly lets us see behind the curtain to see who Georgina is - behind the beautiful Instagram stories, Facebook posts, highlights of fashion shows and so on. This series is a six hours that is meant to show us the life of Georgina and the way Cristiano's family lives.

My Opinion


It was extremely difficult for me to write the last paragraph of the "synopsis" with a straight face, because honestly, it shows nothing. The show was quite mind-numbing, which in some cases is a decent quality to have - except not this time. We are supposed to be shown how Georgina is in real life, I'd imagine that it is also meant to show her in a good light. Did I get that feeling? Do I believe her family is great? Do I finish this series liking Georgina? Well, find out in the next few paragraphs. Or don't, that's up to you.

I still don't know Georgina. The series just doesn't show anything about her. It claims to be showing what is behind all the highlights, but for the first bunch of episodes, all we are shown is how she is spending the money of her husband and busking in his glory. I am sure there is a lot to her as a person, but I feel like we just never get to learn about that.

The series presents Georgina as a benefactor of a fortune made by one of the greatest football players of all time. It follows her as she does all these grandiose things - taking part in galas, spending tons of money on getting differt dresses tailor-made, all while flying across the world, meanwhile showing us a glimpse of how ridiculous the whole process is. It tells us a story of how the family watched the Monaco GP (Formula 1) from their own private yacht.

When it finally tries to show us something she does in her off time - planning a vacation - it likely gets its most ridiculous scene. She opens her laptop, thinks for a bit and then.. tells her assistant to check everything for her. WHAT?! Great job planning the holiday, really.

What does it really show about Georgina that is positive? Well, it shows her visit in a child care home, which is extremely nice and possibly one of the only moments of the show when you can actually feel something. It also does show that Cristiano loves her - the way he acts in the series really makes it difficult to doubt. That's it though. Everything else is sadly just about her spending money.

When I got past my initial scepticism of the show, I was actually looking forward to learning who she was before everything happened - maybe there was something exciting, we can learn some background stories.. We really don't. You get to know that she worked at a high-end fashion store and that this is how she met Ronaldo - that's it. Nothing about her family, nothing about her childhood, upbringing.. This is likely what disappointed me the most.

Don't get me wrong - I am vain myself and I would probably do a lot of things for vanity, was I as extremely rich as Georgina became basically overnight. That isn't what makes me feel bad about this show. What does is the fact that this is a 6 episode series that teaches us pretty much nothing new. She shows this life on her social media all the time - this does little more than simply put it on the big screen. No new information, no interesting snippets.. Just grandiose, vanity and luxury.

Closing Words

As you can tell, I didn't really like this series. I Am Georgina is a series to miss, skip and never regret. It's just things you can find faster on her social media, there is nothing exciting that we learn.. If you like her as a celebrity - for whatever reason - you will find it disappointing because there is nothing new. If you are a Cristiano Ronaldo fan and hope to learn about his family - same story. I find it hard to understand why this series was made. It just seems to lack a target group, any kind of substance.. It lacks a point.



hello friend I really liked your analysis and opinion about the series in my case I liked her on the networks until I saw her series, in particular I agree with you it does not really show anything of what she is internally, notice that from the beginning they show you a Georgina mounted on a chair with a super empowered and haughty attitude, the truth is I expected something else from this series, notice that I see Cristiano who is the true protagonist of everything, I see him more noble, his eldest son a love with the more boys and she is the diva hahahaha, she is fine at the time but wait to see Cristiano's mother interacting or maybe she sharing with his family and never saw each other. In the behind cameras you can see a bit of her, and I think there is also a production team that wanted to show this reality like that. Well happiness that the successes continue for them and we as spectators appreciate what we like and discard what we don't. greetings 🤗


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Although I have not seen a single episode, I know who she is because I saw her trending on social networks. I didn't know she was CR7's wife, I stopped following soccer a long time ago, it used to be one of my favorite sports, but it's been years since I've watched neither league nor champions matches, plus I never liked CR7, I'm a Messi fan hahaha. This show must be hyper frivolous, the only reason this girl is famous is just for being the wife of who she is, but people like this kind of shows, to see millionaire people, maybe hoping to be millionaires someday. I don't plan to watch it myself, but I've been having fun with the twitter fights between people who love the show and people who hate it. XD


I guess not all reviews are always going to be positive, but that's a good thing, really knowing what to expect from a series saves you from wasting your time. Thanks for sharing this information, it's helpful when choosing whether or not to watch the series.

