[ESP/ENG] Cuidando a mis bellos gatos/ Taking care of my beautiful cats.
Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, bendecido dia, hoy les hablaré sobre mis pequeños gatos que ya estan en proceso de crecimiento.
La gata volvio a parir y es buena madre porque todavia amamanta al mayor, y siempre los anda limpiando y dandole cariño.
Los pequeños siempre andan jugando y eso es parte de ellos, solo debemos estar pendiente que no se le acerquen a los perros.
Hello dear friends of this beautiful community, blessed day, today I will talk about my little cats that are already in the process of growing.
The cat gave birth again and she is a good mother because she still breastfeeds the older one, and she is always cleaning them and giving them care.
The little ones are always playing and that is part of them, we just have to be aware that they do not approach the dogs.
Los tres son de color negro y yo los ubique en un espacio de mi hogar donde no van a molestar ni ser molestados.
Si me ha costado un poco enseñar a la gata a no meterse con los perros debido a que es muy celosa con los gaticos y todo animal que se acerque los puede lesionar.
All three are black and I place them in a space in my home where they will not disturb or be disturbed.
It has cost me a bit to teach the cat not to mess with the dogs because she is very jealous with the kittens and any animal that comes close can injure them.
Pronto les tocaran las vitaminas y desparasitantes, es necesario hacerlo porque tenemos nuestros hijos y no queremos que se enfermen.
Son un miembro mas de la familia y por ende se merecen toda la atención y cuidado para que no se enfermen.
Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.
Soon they will have vitamins and dewormers, it is necessary to do it because we have our children and we do not want them to get sick.
They are one more member of the family and therefore deserve all the attention and care so that they do not get sick.
Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Studio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.
I hope they are always healthy and happy. All the best for you to raise them well xD