¿De qué sirve Llorar?/What's the use of crying?
Que se encuentren bien de salud junto a sus familiares.
las penas se desahogan
y son arrastradas por las lágrimas.

Noviembre, 2021
Hablar sobre el llanto es un tema que quizás muchos consideran una tontería y tiende a etiquetar a personas que lo hacen frecuentemente por diferentes razones.
Existen estudios sobre el tema que ocasiona el llanto, que beneficios trae al ser humano, y como debe ser visto desde el punto de vista de salud.
El acto de Llorar es una respuesta natural a muchas de nuestras emociones, como la tristeza, el dolor, la frustración, el enojo, o la felicidad. Y, somos creados tan perfecto que, los humanos son los únicos seres vivos que lloran con lágrimas emocionales. Cuando se dice lágrimas emocionales se dirige precisamente a eso a descargar rabias, frustraciones, dolor , etc.
Hombre como mujer son dueños de este don, aunque las investigaciones dan a conocer que las mujeres son mas dadas a expresarse a través del llanto.
Siempre surge la incógnita de por qué se da el llanto. Es una expresión de comunicación, que con el paso del tiempo las capacidades cerebrales se vuelven más complejas y ya el llanto no es sólo para expresar dolor sino que también expresa alegría. Quiere decir que esta reacción de expresar a través del llanto va evolucionando.
Nuestro cuerpo físico tiende a expresar con lágrimas que de acuerdo al momento tienen su nombre y que las produce.
Lágrima refleja:
Aquí se nombra las siguientes:
Ellas tienen la función de proteger nuestros ojos. Son provocadas por algún cuerpo extraño o por factores que irritan los ojos como el humo, el viento o cuando, por ejemplo, cortamos una cebolla.
Lágrima basal:
Es un líquido antibacteriano rico en proteínas que mantienen los ojos lubricados y libre de polvo.
Lágrima emocional o psíquica:
Se produce por el dolor agudo, la felicidad, la rabia, la tristeza u otras emociones. Puede tener un objetivo más complejo, puesto que este tipo de lágrima es una forma de comunicación no verbal. Puede servir para generar empatía, obtener soporte emocional o hasta para decir al otro que ha ido demasiado lejos, por ejemplo, en una discusión.
Esta última, ha sido motivo de estudios por los efectos terapeúticos que le dan al ser humano.
Imagen del autor, elaborada con los recursos propios del editor Canva.
Noviembre, 2021
Noviembre, 2021
Así, los estudios concluyen que el llanto produce diferentes beneficios, como por ejemplo:
Poco a poco la persona se relaja,
se calma,
se reduce la carga emocional
y aumenta la lucidez para trabajar desde una parte más racional.
El afectado consigue que esas emociones intensas se hagan más pequeñas y manejables. Raquel Molero, psicóloga.
- relaja
-nos ayuda a recibir soporte emocional
-alivia el dolor y mejora el humor
-libera toxinas y reduce el estrés
-permite expresar las emociones más profundas
-ayuda a ver a los problemas de una perspectiva distinta
se calma,
se reduce la carga emocional
y aumenta la lucidez para trabajar desde una parte más racional.
El afectado consigue que esas emociones intensas se hagan más pequeñas y manejables.
Existe la creencia, quizás por ello todavía muchas personas consideran el llanto como debilidad o tonto, sobre todo entre los hombres, desde niños son educados para no llorar.
Desde hace muchos años, los psicólogos comunican a la comunidad que aguantar el llanto tiene muchas consecuencias negativas y al no permitirse llorar puede ocurrir que esa emoción no exteriorizada a través del llanto se convierta en una sensación agresiva, ansiosa y rabiosa.
Por todo lo antes expuesto, el consejo es, no reprimir las lágrimas porque es liberador...no quiere decir ser débil sino ser humano.

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@sound1music y @mayvileros

Blessings to all.
May you be in good health with your families.
It is a relief to cry;
sorrows are released
and are swept away by tears.
Author's image, made with the publisher's own resources Canva.
November, 2021

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Logos cortesía de:
@sound1music y @mayvileros

May you be in good health with your families.
sorrows are released
and are swept away by tears.

November, 2021
Talking about crying is a topic that many may consider silly and tends to label people who do it frequently for different reasons.
There are studies on the subject of what causes crying, what benefits it brings to humans, and how it should be viewed from a health point of view.
The act of crying is a natural response to many of our emotions, such as sadness, pain, frustration, anger, or happiness. And, we are so perfectly created that humans are the only living beings that cry emotional tears.
Both men and women have this gift, although research has shown that women are more likely to express themselves through crying.
There is always the question of why crying occurs. It is an expression of communication, which with the passage of time the brain's capacities become more complex and crying is no longer only to express pain but also to express joy. This means that this reaction of expressing through crying is evolving.

Our physical body tends to express itself with tears which according to the moment have their name and which produce them.
The following are named here:
Reflective tears: .
They have the function of protecting our eyes. They are caused by a foreign body or by factors that irritate the eyes, such as smoke, wind or when, for example, we cut an onion.
Basal tear: .
It is a protein-rich antibacterial fluid that keeps the eyes lubricated and free of dust.
Emotional or psychic tear: .
It is produced by acute pain, happiness, anger, sadness or other emotions. It can have a more complex purpose, as this type of tear is a form of non-verbal communication. It can be used to generate empathy, to gain emotional support or even to tell the other person that they have gone too far, for example, in an argument.
The latter has been the subject of studies due to the therapeutic effects it has on the human being.

Image by the author, made with the editor's own resources Canva.
November, 2021
Thus, studies conclude that crying produces different benefits, such as:
- relaxation
-helps us to receive emotional support
-relieves pain and improves mood
-releases toxins and reduces stress
-allows us to express our deepest emotions
-helps us to see problems from a different perspective
Gradually the person relaxes,
calms down,
the emotional load is reduced
and the lucidity to work from a more rational point of view increases.
The affected person manages to make those intense emotions smaller and more manageable.
Raquel Molero, psychologist.

There is a belief, perhaps that is why many people still regard crying as weakness or foolishness, especially among men, who are brought up from childhood not to cry.
For many years, psychologists have been telling the community that holding in crying has many negative consequences, and not allowing oneself to cry can result in the emotion not externalised through crying turning into aggressive, anxious and angry feelings.
For all of the above, the advice is, do not suppress tears because it is liberating...it does not mean being weak but being human.

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Logos courtesy of:
@sound1music and @mayvileros

There are studies on the subject of what causes crying, what benefits it brings to humans, and how it should be viewed from a health point of view.
The act of crying is a natural response to many of our emotions, such as sadness, pain, frustration, anger, or happiness. And, we are so perfectly created that humans are the only living beings that cry emotional tears.
Both men and women have this gift, although research has shown that women are more likely to express themselves through crying.
There is always the question of why crying occurs. It is an expression of communication, which with the passage of time the brain's capacities become more complex and crying is no longer only to express pain but also to express joy. This means that this reaction of expressing through crying is evolving.
Our physical body tends to express itself with tears which according to the moment have their name and which produce them.
The following are named here:
Reflective tears: .
They have the function of protecting our eyes. They are caused by a foreign body or by factors that irritate the eyes, such as smoke, wind or when, for example, we cut an onion.
Basal tear: .
It is a protein-rich antibacterial fluid that keeps the eyes lubricated and free of dust.
Emotional or psychic tear:
It is produced by acute pain, happiness, anger, sadness or other emotions. It can have a more complex purpose, as this type of tear is a form of non-verbal communication. It can be used to generate empathy, to gain emotional support or even to tell the other person that they have gone too far, for example, in an argument.
The latter has been the subject of studies due to the therapeutic effects it has on the human being.
Image by the author, made with the editor's own resources Canva.
November, 2021
November, 2021
Thus, studies conclude that crying produces different benefits, such as:
Gradually the person relaxes,
calms down,
the emotional load is reduced
and the lucidity to work from a more rational point of view increases.
The affected person manages to make those intense emotions smaller and more manageable. Raquel Molero, psychologist.
- relaxation
-helps us to receive emotional support
-relieves pain and improves mood
-releases toxins and reduces stress
-allows us to express our deepest emotions
-helps us to see problems from a different perspective
calms down,
the emotional load is reduced
and the lucidity to work from a more rational point of view increases.
The affected person manages to make those intense emotions smaller and more manageable.
There is a belief, perhaps that is why many people still regard crying as weakness or foolishness, especially among men, who are brought up from childhood not to cry.
For many years, psychologists have been telling the community that holding in crying has many negative consequences, and not allowing oneself to cry can result in the emotion not externalised through crying turning into aggressive, anxious and angry feelings.
For all of the above, the advice is, do not suppress tears because it is liberating...it does not mean being weak but being human.

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Logos courtesy of:
@sound1music and @mayvileros

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Logos courtesy of:
@sound1music and @mayvileros

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