An experience with Milagros?


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Cordial greetings to @leogrowth, in response to your invitation,

I invite you, here #Septemberinleo to participate in September in Leo, every day you find a community and a topic where you can share your ideas in the proposals left there. I extend the invitation to @germanandradeg

Community #HiveNaija very relevant the theme of the 6th of September to share with our experiences, ideas, ways of living it or feel it as are the miracles.

The human being has his peculiarity to believe or not in facts where its existence is doubtful or verifiable, enters here the so popular phrase of St. Thomas: Seeing is believing...

This seeing in order to believe is translated in the popular jargon about that one must have in the hands, in concrete, to see them, to touch them things that happen to be able to denominate them as miracles.

For a number of years the word Miracle has been used to share something asked to God, the Universe or whoever you believe in and when it is granted it is called a Miracle, according to the culture where the event is experienced.

The miracles are attributed to those angels, archangels, to God himself according to the Catholic religion, according to the beliefs and religious cultures that exist in the community where the human being lives.

These miracles can be attributed for calming storms, healing people from illnesses, fulfilling work plans, in short, it goes hand in hand with the beliefs of asking for favours and upon seeing them granted or realising their existence, the affirmation occurs: it is a miracle.

With the passing of the years, the presentation to society of quantum mechanics can be said to be a discovery for all that brings us this knowledge that the human being has a unique power, according to how he handles his mind, his power to accelerate or decelerate things with the help of the infinite field of possibilities in the time that occurs, if it is soon or years pass to see them depends a lot on how the human being is focused.

When talking about quantum it can be stated that everything is energy and as such where the attention is placed the energy is concentrated, that power to activate and move that field of infinite possibilities depends on the information and knowledge chosen by the individual, by re-knowing himself as co-creator of his own reality.

Here quantum science gives importance to the power of words, of thought, of the mind because everything is energy and vibration. In fact, there are many scientific studies and demonstrations that come to public light every day about what happens in the human being to make things happen. As I stated in previous paragraphs, everything depends on the belief of each person, their level of consciousness, the information they handle to clean the energy channels, to understand how we can centre ourselves, link ourselves with that higher energy that allows us to create through our thoughts and our mind.

Faith is one of the elements that always comes up in the subject of miracles and that faith is in ourselves that what we ask for we should be grateful for, feeling the happiness that we already get it...keeping the thought and the joy of what we want, keeping a high vibration, even educating ourselves on how we can change the use of the words that we let out of our mouths because that is vibration. That connection makes us understand the miracles we see and how we achieve them.


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Muy de acuerdo contigo "esa fe está en nosotros mismos de que lo que pedimos debemos agradecerlo, sintiendo la felicidad de que ya lo conseguimos", particularmente me ha dado buenos resultados y agradezco a Dios por ello, disfruté mucho tu escrito, !LADY


Gracias a ti por dar valor a mi post con tú presencia.



the belief of each person, their level of consciousness, the information they handle to clean the energy channels, to understand how we can centre ourselves, link ourselves with that higher energy that allows us to create through our thoughts and our mind.

I couldn’t have said it better. It always links back to the person and his own thoughts, his channels and his experience


Hola Mercedes (@mercmarg).

Hay religiones o grupos religiosos que le indican a sus seguidores que, si se opta por tener una actitud de fe, o sea, no solo decirlo, sino pensar, demostrar que se tienen fe en algo o alguien todopoderoso y bueno, todas las cosas irán bien.

Yo viví algo así y una de las cosas que más me llamó la atención de lo que aprendí fue que muchos me buscaban para escucharlos en sus angustias e incluso me solicitaban que los tocara para sanar alguna dolencia. Te estoy escribiendo con la más absoluta sinceridad.

¿Pero qué había en esos encuentros?

El paciente o el que solicitaba mi ayuda tenía fe en un Dios hermoso y en mí como el enlace o herramienta para la curación. Eso no bastaba, yo también debía estar cubierto de esa fe. Te aseguro que funcionaba.

Luego me aleje de esos grupos porque, como siempre, alguien mete la pata y decepciona. Pero me quedó la experiencia y la práctica. Lo cumbre es que a mi padre lo buscaban por lo mismo. ¿Hijo de gato caza ratón o es pura coincidencia? No lo sé.

Hace poco una amiga me indico que un familiar suyo estaba muy malito, no pronosticaban un futuro bueno. Yo solo le respondí que hablaría con Papá Dios y que en esa charla le pediría por esa persona y su familia. Hoy que te estoy escribiendo este comentario, te cuento que el señor reaccionó después de haber estado varios días inconsciente y perece que las cosas van a mejorar.

Si tengo fe, si estoy convencido de que podemos vibrar con una energía positiva y sanadora. Lo pueden llamar milagros, yo lo llamo amor.

Gracias por la invitación mi bella amiga y desde aquí te envió muchas bendiciones para tu hogar.

Otra cosa: por cada acto de amor o milagro siempre doy las gracias.


Asì es.
La energìa del Amor es maravillosa. Y ese poder està en nosotros, mientras vemos todo con Amor las cosas tienen otros coloes positivos.

