Expedition Fourteen: Liquidator, No Man's Sky


Hello, and welcome to my blog!

Today, I’m excited to share my latest adventure in No Man’s Sky. It’s been a while since my last expedition, so I was thrilled to log in and discover that Expedition Fourteen: Liquidators had already begun. With less than three days to complete all three phases, I jumped into the challenge without any resources or technology from my main universe. I wanted to tackle this one with a fresh start.

My journey began on the planet Eardog Sigma, characterized by its humid weather, persistent sentinels, lush flora, and diverse fauna. My first mission, "All Guns Blazing," tasked me with locating my starship. I found my exosuit’s upgrades were all reset to their basic levels, and my cargo held only ammunition, life support gel, and an ion battery. My starship was 617 units away from my starting point, so I made that my primary objective. Upon arrival, I discovered the ship was guarded by more than five aliens. I chose to avoid conflict and waited until the threat subsided.

I needed to repair my ship, named Doriguc's Winged Seeker. The Launch Thruster required 50 Pure Ferrite, and the Pulse Engine needed 1 Hermetic Seal. After making the necessary repairs, I received a communication from the Liquidator Vanguard Command. They informed me of a vile infestation spreading through the sector and instructed me to report to the nearest rendezvous point. With resolve, I accepted the challenge.

I collected my "All Guns Blazing" reward: unstable plasma and a supreme defensive system upgrade. The S-Class Defence Systems Upgrade increased my shield strength by 32% and core health by 33%.

Next, I launched into space, completing the "Dust Off" mission. This awarded me hyperdrive plans, a planetary chart, and starship launch fuel. I discovered new technology that required chromatic metal and a microprocessor.

My next mission was to purchase a microprocessor from a space station, which required a substantial amount of money. I landed on the dehydrated planet Ritehfle Delta to gather resources and sell them. I needed 137k units, and after selling rancid flesh, I earned 900k units. With this, I bought chromatic metal from the Vy'keen Trader Ayukang.

I then crafted a War Cell, needing antimatter housing and antimatter. I was ordered to warp to another system but decided to gather more resources first to purchase an A-rank rifle I had seen at the space station.

Following the path, I arrived in the Iawshea-Yook system, where I completed the Acceleration mission. The rewards included Base Computer plans, a Powerful Launch Thrusters Upgrade, and a Signal Booster. The A-Class Photonic Launch Computer reduced launch costs by 36% and boosted my technology by 34%.

My next mission was to exterminate 20 biological horrors. Using a planetary chart from previous rewards, I located a minor settlement on Rahype Omega. This planet was rich with ancient bones, which I planned to collect later for profit.

I used my Boltcaster to eliminate the alien creatures and then hacked the terminal in a building to disable the alarm. Successfully completing the extermination task rewarded me with a Haz-Mat Gauntlet, and the mission for eliminating 16 biological horrors granted me a Supreme Scatter Blaster Upgrade and Shell Greaser plans. The Flawless Barrel S-Class Scatter Blaster Upgrade enhanced my damage by 2%, fire rate by 11%, burst cooldown by -17%, and clip size by +8.0.

I then visited a trading building and met Technology Merchant Nosty, where I purchased the Advanced Mining Laser blueprint for 75 nanites. With 101 nanites on hand, I bought all necessary components and installed the new technology into my multitool.

For the final mission of this phase, I had to reach the first rendezvous point. Located on the same planet, it was a quick journey. Upon arrival, I was attacked by alien creatures but managed to secure the area. The Dropzone One completion reward included a MultiTool Inventory Slot, Projectile Ammunition, and Nanites.

I summoned Doriguc's Winged Seeker and proceeded to the Infestation Site. I encountered a Brood Mother, my first in-game, which was thrilling! After defeating it and reading the intel cache left by the Liquidator Vanguard, I completed Infestation Alpha. I received a Pre-Packaged Haz-Mat Gauntlet Unit and a Multitool Class Upgrade. The rifle I had just bought increased to S rank, which was an exciting bonus!

With Phase 1 of the expedition completed, I received several poster plans. There are three more phases to tackle in under three days, and while I’m not sure what to expect, I’m ready for the challenge. Stay tuned for more updates on my progress. Thanks so much for your support!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing No Man's Sky game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab mobile apps, the photo in there is my face with an exosuit armor that generated by ToonMe mobile apps.



What is this planet? Cause it looks awesome. Did you find alien pet animals there that are harmless? Man, I gotta try this game out, it looks amazing.


I forgat what kind of planet is that, probably the icy one I think.. But, that was the planet I spawned when I started the expedition. Ya, there's harmless creature on most planet. You can feed, ride, extract resources, or make it as your companion.. or you can just kill it for raw meat.


That brood mother looks awesome, did they add this thing just for the expeditions? I haven't played it in a while. And that space ship is really cool.


I was suprised with the appearance of final boss alike, the brood mother. I am not sure if we have a chance to encounter it on regular gameplay, I haven't play nms for a month now. Now that I am back, I'm so excited about this new experience.
