Eng-Esp La planta de maya( bromelia Chysantha)/ The maya plant (Chysantha bromeliad)


Saludos comunidad de agro hoy sali con mi esposo y mi nieto a caminar un rato y como a dos kilometro de la casa nos queda un prestamo lo que aqui en mi llano llamamos laguna ,asi que decidimos llevar al nieto al prestamo a respirar un poco de aire fresco y llegando nos encontramos con esta planta que tenia años sin verla a la planta de maya la cual es muy comun encontrar en las orillas de las laguna asi que le dije a mi esposo que nos acercaramos un poco ya que tenia años sin comer maya .

Greetings agricultural community, today I went out with my husband and my grandson to walk for a while and about two kilometers from the house we have a loan that we call a lagoon here in my plain, so they could take the grandson to the loan to breathe a little fresh air and arriving we found this plant that had been years without seeing the maya plant which is very common to find on the shores of the lagoon so I told my husband to get a little closer since he had years without eating maya .



Cuando llegamos hasta la planta observamos que no tenia frutas sin embargo yo queria compartir con ustedes esta planta que es nativa de venezuela y que su fruto es comestible en los hogares venezolanos.

When we got to the plant, we observed that it had no fruit. However, I wanted to share with you this plant that is native to Venezuela and that its fruit is edible in Venezuelan homes.




Por lo poco que se de ella era que mi abuelo cuando salia a la sabana Siempre nos traia un rasimo de maya y mi abuela las ponia a sancochar y nos daba a comer para desparasitarnos ya que se decia que era un excelente desparasitantes. Esta fruta no solo es usada como desparasitante sinp qie tambien es un fruto rico en vitamina c Aqui en nuestro pueblo sobre todo tiempos de produccion de esta fruta los muchachos salen en busca de esta fruta ya que es comun ver a nuestros jovenes verlos pasar con rasimos de maya para su tiempo de cosecha.

From what little I know of her, it was that my grandfather, when he went out to the savannah He always brought us a bunch of maya and my grandmother would put them to boil and feed us to deworm us since it was said to be an excellent dewormer. This fruit is not only used as a dewormer but it is also a fruit rich in vitamin C. Here in our town, at all times of production of this fruit, the boys go out in search of this fruit since it is common to see our young people go by with bunches of maya for their harvest time.


Este fruto se come tanto natural como en refresco en masamorra.

This fruit is eaten both natural and as a soda in masamorra.



Ubicacion los llanos centrales de Venezuela

The photos are of my authorship taken with my phone

LG Leon Model

Location the central plains of Venezuela.


Thanks for sharing this plant and letting us know the usefulness of this plant. Here in Nigeria I don’t know if I can lay my hand on but another problem is it would called another name here. Well thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day.
