Shadow Hunters Community Contest-Round 215


Shadow Hunters Contest

Show Me A Shadow-Round 214 is now closed. Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours.

Shadow Hunters are a wonderful bunch of folks! Your photos are entertaining and the support you give each other is truly amazing!

♥️Comments are one of the important things that make our much loved community vibrant and alive! Thanks to all of you for commenting and voting on each other's posts! ♥️

I always look forward to seeing all of the new photos and wish we could have more winners! Well, my wish came true thanks to a big POINTS donation from @maonx and a LEN Token donation from @seckorama! We are adding a couple of Honorable Mention prizes! 💕

Show Me A Shadow- Round 215

(or SMASh as named by @gems.and.cookies😀)

img_0.4913877173154834.jpgphoto by @annephilbrick

Thanks to @annephilbrick♥️ for all you do for this community by providing us with wonderful Shadow photos each week and for judging the Shadow Hunters Contest.

Thanks to @seckorama for managing the hive-179017 account and voting and commenting on all of the posts

The talented @ivycrafts created this delightful banner that all Shadow Hunters are free to use! Remember to give her credit for her work!

img_0.34548411970415915.jpgbanner by @ivycrafts

We are all grateful to everyone who sets the community as beneficiary on their posts. If you would like to help the community, you may delegate HP to @hive-179017. Your delegation support will help build higher VP and higher votes on your posts. Any help you can give will be appreciated and will help make our Shadow Hunters Community strong! Supporting each other with votes and comments helps the community grow

♥️Thanks for Delegations! ♥️

🙂Please take a moment to review the SMASh Rules below


•**🔆Place your entry link in the comment section of this post.

🔅One entry per Person. Be fair to everyone and do not enter from more than one account

🔅The title of your post should make clear that it is an ~ Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh.

🔆Post into the

the Shadow Hunters Community

🔆If you create a post with multiple shadow photos, you should state which one is your entry, otherwise I will assume it is the first photo.

🔆All entries are required to have a minimum of 50 words. Put some effort into your posts.

Important HINT Remember to keep the main focus of your picture on the shadow! After all, this is a shadow contest.

Feel free to use editing and effects to create a special look if you want. Phone photos are great-Be creative. This is not a photography contest!

It should go without saying that the photo must be your original work and creativity counts. . NEVER use photos you find on the


The Shadow Hunters Community will award 1 Hive OR HBD to 10 winning entries.

There will occasionally be Honorable Mention prizes. Prize amounts will vary.

☀️@good-karma at @ecency has been incredibly generous and donated 1000 Points, which is a weekly prize of 100 Ecency Points to each of the 10 winners! These Points can be seen in your Ecency wallets and can be used in various ways.☀️

Join me in the Ecency Discord

☀️@pixresteemer is including the Shadow Hunter contest winners in his weekly Re-hive contest.☀️

Thanks to @taskmanager and #archon for donating DiscoHedge tokens to the Re-hive contest winners and for paying out ARCHON for comments made on Shadow Hunter posts!

Use the #archon tag on all of your posts and collect ARCHON tokens. You can also set 5%beneficiary rewards on any post for Archon-gov and receive votes from their voting trail!

Let's go Shadow Hunting!


All comments written on my posts, and any posts in Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, Ladies of Hive, and the FeelGood Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.




Join the Shadow Hunters Community

Image by @shasta

Enter the Reflection Hunters contest by @olgavita

Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!
Supported by @pixresteemer

Sponsored by Ecency


Posted using Ecency Love

0.087 PAL

0.000 PAL

Bellas sombras, @netizen01, yo también fotografié unas sobre escalones, pero sinceramente, me gustan mas las tuyas. Éxito en el concurso.

Beautiful shadows, @netizen01, I also photographed some on steps, but honestly, I like yours better. Success in the contest.

0.000 PAL

here is my entry. with it i hope to be able to shed some light on these dark areas of existence

0.000 PAL

@eolianpariah2, it´s a very good shadows pic. Thanks for sharing. Success in the contest.

0.000 PAL
0.000 PAL

Hello, Shadowhunters community, this week I bring you this shadow that I hunted in a place near my house. It caught my attention because it resembles a mountain. Also, the thick shadows of the tubes contrast with the lines of the part of the fence itself, whose mesh then resembles fishing nets.

0.000 PAL

My mom was the one who spotted them: "Find the phone and run...before they get away from you"
And I ran...
in the wrong direction;

I ran to the backyard because I thought that mom (@carmenrivas) was referring to a shadow that had the bushes of
ferns. But with a "That's not it!" It made me change direction quickly.
I saw it and realized why mom was in a hurry. It was a beautiful shadow, from any point of view. And then, it was framed between soft orange and ocher tones that made it stand out. Here I show you the shadow from three different points of focus.

0.000 PAL

I hope I can join the contest. Should find some shadow to post. : )

0.000 PAL

This is my entry for the shadow hunter contest round 215


0.000 PAL

Hello community, when we go to the beach, one of the classic diversions is to make sand castles, but in this case it was the shadow of some bars that created this castle in the sand. As soon as I saw it I took a photo with my Vtelca cell phone. It's very original. Although now that I look at it again, it also has a certain similarity to the Golden Gate Bridge, don't you think?

0.000 PAL

Today I rushed out of the house because I was late, however I had to stop when I saw these shadows... I couldn't miss them! The combination of the wide rectangles in the front, the interlocking lines in the background, the shadow rectangles separated by little light blue squares at the bottoms of the steps... I think I managed to catch some pretty good shadows. I hope you are of the same opinion as me.

0.000 PAL

Here is my entry, I am facing an RC problem that's why I can not take to entry in the proper time

0.000 PAL

Are you powering up everything?

0.000 PAL

I have no available RC. Because I made withdraw hive for personal cost purpose.

0.000 PAL

You probably shouldn't expect others to give you their powered up Hive when you are spending your own and not building your account.

0.000 PAL

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 101 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

0.000 PAL

I liked these "staggered" shadows that we can scan from left to right. First a semi-triangular shape that corresponds to the lighthouse on the pole. Then the shadow of the pole and immediately that of the wall. If the shadows were on a smooth floor they would not have anything unique, but it is the variations that the steps give to their shape that makes me bring it as my entry for week 215 of the contest

I liked these "staggered" shadows that we can scan from left to right. First a semi-triangular shape that corresponds to the lighthouse on the pole. Then the shadow of the pole and immediately that of the wall. If the shadows were on a smooth floor they would not have anything unique, but it is the variations that the steps give to their shape that makes me bring it as my entry for week 215 of the contest

0.000 PAL

It is really a wonderful contest and I am also taking part in this lovely contest. By having this amazing contest we are getting unique shadows.

0.000 PAL