Leo Finance Discord HACK do not click airdrop
@leofinance discord has been hacked do not click the phishing link.
Raising the alarm the hackers will boot you.
Spread the message as Hive Accounts might be compromised.
Hi! You wouldn't believe I just tried to access the discord and saw my access to some channels were restricted, especially the help/support! Good thing I just saw your post. What's Loefinance team doing about this? Because I don't think many people know. Thanks for sharing this info. 🙂
It just happened, sure there will be more news coming. Just don't click any links
Thankfully, I haven't. 🙂
Just saw this.. I thought I had been restricted from other rooms. Thank you for this information.
Don't click any links as they are potentially a Phising Scam
Not too many people responding on that discord, so I hope it doesn't spread too far. I have posted on other channels to warn people. I sent DMs to some who were getting sucked in. This has been carefully planned to scam people. Discord is less secure than Hive.