Part of Malaysian night photography.


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Assalamu Alaikum How are you all I hope you are well. Today I will share with you some parts of the city of Malaysia at night. These pictures were taken from the car. It didn't look very good, but I will introduce you to some beautiful photography with this photography.

Sometimes when we go out these pictures are taken These pictures were taken I went to a place for work and when I was coming back to the room it was night I took these pictures from inside the car The pictures are not very clear but the pictures are a memory for me.

There are so many memories in our life and these memories seem to remain for our entire life. Through photography we can remember any thing and these photographs remind me of somewhere I visited or somewhere I went for work. These pictures are taken from there. is done

Friends I hope you like these pictures if you like then definitely stay by thanks everyone for being with me stay good and healthy.

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