Hivers continue to hold meetings to recruit new members


We continue with new entries in Hive and this time it was the turn of @ranseph a guy who came to us thanks to full Urban and his different presentations since that caught his attention and wanted to join us, this young man is from the beginning and has seen our way of working even attended several of the hivers meetings we did. Remember that as a team this is a part of our work and that is why we took the idea of this form of marketing step by step the idea is taking shape and we are beginning to be invited to new places soon will know of a new presentation while that happens we will continue to present new hivers.


Everything leads us to the same place and to what I have been saying for a long time we must innovate ideas and leave in the past that boring marketing, this project has taught me that I was very wrong in my way of thinking and seeing people there are many kids who are quite misunderstood in the world of rap, the way people see them are wrong many of them are just kids with problems and a lot of talent that use rap as a way to vent and express themselves that is why these meetings will continue and so we will bring more young people.

Herramientas de Edición y Producción
Editing and Production Tools
Traductor: DeepL
Dispositivos: Redmi8
Devices: Redmi 8


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•°”˜ .•°”˜

"La vida es cuesta arriba; sin embargo, la vista es maravillosa"
"Life is uphill, but the view is wonderful"
(Miley Cyrus)
 ¡Gracias por leerme, nos vemos en una próxima Publicación! 
 Thanks for reading, see you in a future post!  

@maykit55 (2).gif
