How to Harvest on


It is fun to participate and watch this week version of the weekly AMA on and I also encourage all to try and follow up the leofinance community. I send warm regards to the community admin @khaleelkazi who have been managing the community and updating the community concerning the project and other forthcoming projects.

This week edition stationed at letting the community members know how to harvest any harvesting on the pooling site. I will explain only briefly of all that was said in the AMA. Once you open the, it is visible to see that there is a user interface where every user has the right to carry out some series of actions. There is a lock and unlock button on this user interface, the reason of this is to help a user know when his harvest is ready, the only way you can have an harvest is if already you have staked some coins on the pooling liquidity pool. The lock and unlock have various functionality attached to them.

There are some vital things that needs to be learnt if you are staking on the or you want to get involved in the staking involved in, firstly, harvest occurs if you have staked then you should also know that if you harvest right away, your rewards would automatically enter a 30 day time lock contract. If you also try to claim your harvest daily, you stand a risk of adding to the locked balance.

You can also take a view and spend at least 5 mins of your time to watch the clip of the weekly AMA on I was able to learn a lot today. Thanks to

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