Wild mushrooms that I found on the side of the road when going to the garden
Assalamualaikum wr wb?
Hello everyone, how are you, I hope you are fine wherever you are, come back with me here where I will share some photos of wild mushrooms that I accidentally saw when I was walking to the garden, so I go every day keu garden for planting and other activities in my garden, while walking I accidentally saw it. Luckily I always bring my macro when I go to the garden, because I know that in the forest there are lots of small animals and wild mushrooms.
And I stopped my journey, to get some pictures of this mushroom, and I managed to take some pictures of the mushroom, and I continued my journey to the garden, mushrooms are plants that easily live in damp places and lots of dry leaves, they are very it's easy to grow there, even the trees that we cut down grow, sometimes the trees that we cut down are not yet rotten but they still grow there.
There are many types of wild mushrooms that grow in various places in general. When we consume the mushrooms that we find, it is better to be careful in choosing these mushrooms, because sometimes some of the mushrooms that grow can be eaten, some cannot because they are poisonous. , and this is one of the wild yellow mushrooms, it grows in slightly damp wood, it grows very much there and this mushroom is very small.
It just has a beautiful color to it, but unfortunately we can't consume it, we can only look at it, it's very soft and very soft, this is just my story, I hope you like it. Thank you.