My cayenne pepper plants that I planted in my yard are growing well


Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are, I hope we are all always in the protection of Allah SWT and I am very happy to be in this #hiveGarden community. I see this is quite interesting to post about plantations and I am a woman who I really like plantations and flower plants, I have chili plants in my yard when I'm not doing housework but I spend a little time to always have a garden at home

The first time I wanted to plant chili seeds, I asked my sibling because he had lots of chili seeds in his garden and I asked him for just a few seeds because I wanted to plant them in the yard instead of an empty yard. It was better for me to plant the chilies and I decided to plant it so I don't need to buy it again when I need cayenne pepper because I already have it in my own house so I just have to pick it when I need it for cooking



Planting all kinds of things we want is very good for us and our health because when we take care of them we really take care of them because we really take care of them. I plant chilies which also have benefits for me. Apart from being able to use them when cooking, I can also sell them at a price. IDR 40 per kilogram is very profitable for me. Therefore, I really take care of it so that it grows better as I want, I clean the grass in its circle and provide fertilizer to ensure its fertility is guaranteed



So being a gardener is really tired, especially when we do it in the hot sun which is so hot and tired which makes me almost unable to do the planting even though it's not very large because it's in my yard, but I keep trying to make my chili plants grow better and grow big like now, when I pick a lot of chilies I always take them to the nearest shop to sell them and my finances increase a little more by selling cayenne peppers even though it's not a lot but thank God I'm very grateful for it and it's enough for my children to snack on when they ask for it. snack in the afternoon to buy what you want



I don't only plant cayenne peppers but I also have green chilies because I think when I want to stir-fry something I really need green chilies so I only plant a few seeds just to make enough for myself, when they grow like now I really I want to have a large area of ​​land so I can garden and plant everything I want and thank God I can enjoy the harvest from my garden. This is what I call my tiredness becoming Alhamdulillah
