helping parents in their garden


Assalamualaikum wr wb?
Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are. On this occasion I will tell you a little about my activities in my parents' garden. So yesterday when I woke up I did homework and made breakfast for my beloved family and don't forget to clean the dirty clothes that have piled up so I have to clean them because I'm going to my parents' garden because I want to help make it a little easier for my parents to do, I always go to them almost every day. My parents' garden belongs to me because I don't do other activities apart from being at home, so I come to the garden to clean the grass on vegetables or plants that my mother has planted.

Actually it's very nice there and the atmosphere is very cool because there are lots of big trees and also beautiful views. The view there is so green with leaves which makes the atmosphere comfortable. When I'm there I always play with my youngest because it's a little spacious. which allows my child to play as much as he likes. When I was little, my parents gardened until now, they still do the same work, maybe this is what is called a child gardener😀 but I'm happy because there is gardening, I can do a little of my activities, at least I don't sleep all the time At home.




In my parents' garden there are several kinds of vegetables grown and this is profitable for my parents. Sometimes it is almost often the village people who buy my mother's vegetables, some of whom come directly to the garden, some of them ask me to deliver them, there are lots of papaya flowers in the garden. My parents like it because my parents like bitter things, including my father. Sometimes my father picks them in the garden and tells me to make noodles, but I don't like bitter things. Yes, my parents also have cassava leaves planted by my mother. to be able to cook it or sell it to people who ask for it, even though it's not much profit, Alhamdulillah, I'm always grateful.




My mother grows cayenne peppers, long beans and eggplants, there are also cassava leaves and papaya flowers. Every day my parents always go to the garden in the morning, go home in the afternoon, after praying four rak'ahs of dhuhur and lunch, they also go straight back to the garden. garden I really feel sorry for those who have to work hard at their current age but that's the only thing that can help my parents' economy, but this feels a little sad because the price of long beans and also cayenne pepper is going down, it's very sad, the price is very cheap, it's not suitable we are tired of picking it, I haven't even told you from the beginning.




My two nephews picked papaya because it was still a holiday, they also went to the garden to liven up the atmosphere but sometimes it also helps, gardening is one of my parents' wishes because there is no other work besides gardening. I think it's better because a little income is enough. for that, it has made me smile happily, the important thing is that my parents don't have to work hard in other people's places, just in their garden, that's all from me, I hope you like it and thank you very much for stopping by my post, dear.

Salam @maulidar
