My Wish for this Festive Season


This festive season comes with a blend of many different wishes. Individually, we have our own thing we wish for, it could be material wish, it could be a wish for quality time with others, some can wish for spiritual growth than lots more, wishes can be so much.

Personally I have lots of wishes both material wishes among many others but since there is no Santa to grant material wishes, I will go with my relational wish. Relational wish is all about building a strong connection with family and loved ones. There is no fulfilled Christmas without a strong connection with family and friends. The type that takes us through the eleven months journey leaving us with memories till the next Christmas season.

Why this particular wish? Christmas is majorly rooted in love, togetherness and lots more. I can't vividly recall the last family reunion we had as a family during a festive season like this. The only thing that can make this festive season that it should be for me would be sharing that joyous holiday with those closest to my heart.


Family is everything to me and gathering with everyone this Christmas would allow us to reconnect, share stories and laugh together. The fact that nobody in my family has said anything about this makes it a wish for me. I know certainly it won't really be possible if I push the button because of the economic condition of our country and the high cost of transportation.

Knowing that it has been years since every member of the family sat together to connect is the reason this wish is very important to me. Just having a dinner together, exchanging gifts items, sitting outside to watch the moon brighten the sky as we laid on differ sets of mat cracking jokes give a big glow than outshines mere wishing for material wishes.

For me, the Spirit of Christmas is complete where there are shared moments with family members. This is more than a gift to me because I know the moments we will share together will leave a long lasting impact in the lives of all of us.

While for me, money might not be a problem to make this a wish come for me in the aspect of transportation due to my location but considering the locations of my siblings and what it will cost them coming down to the village for this, would end up being something I will pity them and rather them to stay back and focus on making more sales. The country's rigidity in all the sectors have made life for the majority a hard thing to live.

I remember Christmas of five years ago when many would travel all the way from Lagos, Abuja and other far distances to celebrate with their loved ones but this season is something that the majority can't do because you have to look in your pocket first. I know this might be the wish of others because the sweetest thing about the Christmas season is being around people that make you feel the joy of Christmas.

0.000 PAL


You are the one who has love for your family and for your siblings. That's really great spirit evolving and nurturing in your pure heart. Keeping the family on number one priority is also same in me.

0.000 PAL

Yeah, family is number one. They would have reciprocated sane but distance and finance stand as a barrier. It's so nice to hear that family is also number one to you.

0.000 PAL

I think everyone's priority should be that of their parents and siblings. I see no reason why one should have others wish then this. I also love to be with my family members once I have the chance, been with them is always memorable.

I hope your wish come through lady, merry Christmas in advance

0.000 PAL

Yeah, there is nothing more important when you have a good family. People that make you cherish being around them. Finding out this year Christmas would be celebrated all alone promoted me wish for that I'm still hoping things turn around.

0.000 PAL

Hmmm eyahhh, I hope things turn around so that you will enjoy this season with your people.

0.000 PAL

I have a similar perspective, apart from the religious aspect of Christmas, one of the things that makes it significance and important is family gatherings and celebrations. My family for instance, this is the only time of the year we all gather in one place to celebrate and vibe with one another. I pray the Lord grant your Wish and you will be able to connect with your family.

0.000 PAL

Wow, see me wish I was in your shoe. What a wonderful moment you guys shared together. Nothing can be compared to the unerasable memory that would hold in the life of your family members. I do hope for such a blissful moment this year o.

0.000 PAL

Family is the best people on Earth and without them, completeness will not be achieved.

Seems like you really miss your family

0.000 PAL

Family is the best people on Earth and without them, completeness will not be achieved.
Seems like you really miss your family

This is just a reality. I do miss them very much because it been ages we have not gathered together as one big family to celebrate in the spirit of Christmas.

0.000 PAL

Wow.. that is a very long time. Why but organize a meeting?

0.000 PAL


seems you and I have same wish. As we grow older, there's the great tendency to grow apart, yet desiring or missing each other's company. I hope someday soon, our wishes come to fruition

0.000 PAL

The only thing that can make this festive season that it should be for me would be sharing that joyous holiday with those closest to my heart.

I know I've been removed since😭😭😭

0.000 PAL

The main reason I would be traveling home this Christmas is because of my family, I want to see, touch, hug, have fun, eat drink with everyone in my family. It's been some months since I saw them last.

Christmas is meant to be spent with family and friends. It has a way of renewing the bond and love between families, friends and relatives.

0.000 PAL

I love the fact that you are so much in love with your family members
Truly, family comes before anything
Keep it up!

0.000 PAL

You are right, family plays a very important role for us, it always stands by us in happiness and sadness

0.000 PAL