hello, my name is maria suarez I live in Valencia Venezuela, I started working at 8 years old in a family business it was a lottery agency, at 13 years old together with my older brothers we set up the first lottery agency of the three of us calling it that pajaros de Lara two years later we opened another agency called Los Andes, six months after opening the second agency I moved here to Valencia with the purpose of setting up a business for myself, that is to say that it was only my property and that More than working on what I already had experience, I managed to open it, however I was not very satisfied with the percentage that the Bankers here in Valencia gave profit, I lasted two months with this business because when a client won a prize more or less high the Banker did not respond and I became responsible for paying that prize and did not follow what was previously written. then I started to work with a telephone position of another person, which I started from scratch, that is, I made the clientele of it, it was a success, later I decided to set up a business on my own and it was also a success, however at the same time I was studying and due to family problems I went to Barquisimeto leaving all this behind. Three days after arriving there I started working in a shoe factory which was my first work experience with a large group of workers. I was there placing the borders on some shoes that were made and then in quality control, never I liked living in Barquisimeto, that's why 8 months later I returned to Valencia, I worked in a very famous bakery called Mokachino, there I worked in the bar area, always trying to find a better job where I could climb in the work area, I retired. So when I started working at MCDONALDS in the Metropolis shopping center, that was where I learned to work with fast food. It lasted three years, but he came to my house every day from two to three in the morning since we were many workers who lived from pole to pole and transportation took us around the area.Shortly after retiring, I walked through the food fair of the same shopping center to apply for a job and in one store I handed in my résumé and was immediately hired. The store is called Full Pizza. It was the most beautiful experience. I got what I was looking for there. that it was to advance in the labor area, after a month and a half of working there the store manager applied to be a store coordinator, however this franchise made a reality show looking for the 10 best employees at a national level, among them was me, we went to Caracas for an interview with the president of full pizza, then we returned to our store and a month and a half passed, that's when they made the definitive call for the people who were going to be trained to carry out said work, to receive said training we had to move to Caracas since we studied and worked there, this training lasted three months and a month after I was there they called me on a Thursday at he offices of the president of full pizza being there I was notified that I was selected as the first General Manager and they told me to go to my family since on Monday I would go from Maiquetia Airport by flight to San Antonio del Tachira and I would start working as the General Manager of full pizza sambil san cristobal at the time I was transferred to Valencia under the same position coming to work in the same store where I had worked as an operator, then I also worked in the same state in the sambil shopping center under the same position, at the time I saw things that did not go with my values and I did not want to work with them anymore since I had a coordinator who had a relationship with an employee who was stealing in the cashier area and I fired her and the coordinator was very upset because I had sent videos to my bosses in Caracas and I had fired her without notifying her,The reality is that as general manager I should not have notified him but if I did my job the man wanted to give me a reprimand which I did not sign because I always had impeccable conduct in my previous jobs and back then, I was very upset. I left all this behind, I talked to my superiors in Caracas telling them the reason for my resignation, leaving the accounts clear and everything related to the franchise, the same day I had already scheduled an appointment with an Arab owner of a food store who knew me from my work he gave me the job of I immediately lasted two years with them, but since I was always at my job, my family began to pressure me to leave this job, telling me that the day they no longer needed me, they would only fire me without any explanation, supporting me so that I could finish my studies and have a new business that only I will work for myself, I finished my studies and today I have an internet called in other words a cyber currently I also have the support of my brother Eduardo, who, parallel to the aforementioned, has always seen my determination to study and decided to support me by paying me a technologist, which I am currently active in. I just finished my second semester of ACCOUNTING, the only thing I can tell you is that we have to persevere because of what we want for our lives and above all it is always important as a woman to be independent. I like to travel with my family, learn a little about everything and be very positive, responsible and punctual.
hola , mi nombre es maria suarez vivo en Valencia Venezuela , comence a trabajar a las 8 años en un negocio familiar era una agencia de loteria , a los 13 años junto a mis hermanos mayores montamos la primera agencia de loteria de nosotros tres llamandola asi los pajaros de Lara dos años mas tarde aperturamos otra agencia llamada Los Andes , a los seis meses luego de aperturar la segunda agencia me mude para aca para valencia con el proposito de montar un negocio por mi parte es decir que fuera solo de mi pertenencia y que mas que trabajar en lo que ya tenia experiencia , logre aperturarla sin embargo no estaba muy sastifecha con el porcentaje que daban de ganancia los Banqueros aqui en Valencia, dure dos meses con este negocio ya que cuando un cliente gano un premio mas o menos alto el Banquero no respondio y yo me hice responsable de pagar ese premio y no segui por lo antes ya escrito. luego empece a trabajar con un puesto de telefono de otra persona, el cual comence de cero es decir hice la clientela del mismo fue un exito , posteriormente decidi yo misma colocar un negocio por mi cuenta y tambien fue un exito sin embargo al mismo tiempo estudiaba y por problemas familiares me fui a Barquisimeto dejando todo esto atras . A los tres dias de llegar alla comence a trabajar en una fabrica de calzado la cual fue mi primera experiencia de trabajo con un grupo grande de trabajadores y trabajadoras estuve alli colocandole las fronteras a unas zapatillas que se hacian y luego en control de calidad , nunca me gusto vivir en Barquisimeto por eso 8 meses despues me regrese a Valencia ,trabaje en una panaderia muy famosa llamada asi la mokachino alli trabaje en el area de la barra siempre tratando de buscar un mejor trabajo donde pudiera escalar en la parte laboral me retire fue entonces cuando comence a trabajar en MCDONALDS del centro comercial Metropolis alli fue donde aprendi a trabajar con comida rapida dure tres años pero llegaba todos los dias a mi casa de dos a tres de la madrugada ya que eramos muchos trabajadores que viviamos de polo a polo y el transporte nos llevaba por zona . Al poco tiempo de haberme retirado camine por la feria de comida del mismo centro comercial para solicitar trabajo y en una sola tienda fue que entregue mi sinteis curricular quedando contratada de inmediatamente la tienda se llama Full Pizza fue la mas bonita experiencia alli consegui lo que buscaba que era avanzar en el area laboral , al mes y medio de trabajar alli la Gerente de la tienda me postulo para ser coordinadora de tienda sin embargo esta franquicia hizo un reality buscando a nivel nacional a los 10 mejores empleados entre ellos estaba yo , fuimos a Caracas para una entrevista con el presidente de full pizza luego regresamos a nuestras tienda y paso un mes y medio es alli cuando hicieron el llamado definitivo de las personas que ibamos a ser capacitados para desempeñar dicha labor, para recibir dicha capacitación nos tuvimos que mudar a Caracas ya que alli estudiabamos y trabajabamos , dicha capacitación duraba tres meses y al mes de estar alli me llamaron un dia jueves a las oficinas del presidente de full pizza estando alli se me notifica que fui seleccionada como la primera Gerente General y me dijeron que me fuera para donde mi familia ya que el dia lunes me iria desde el Aeropuerto de Maiquetia por vuelo a San antonio del tachira y comenzaria a trabajar como la Gerente general de full pizza sambil san cristobal al tiempo fui trasladada a Valencia bajo el mismo cargo llegando a trabajar en la misma tienda donde habia slido como operaria , luego tambien trabaje en el mismo estado en el centro comercial sambil bajo el mismo cargo, al tiempo vi cosas que no iban con mis valores y no queria trabajar mas con ellos ya que tenia un coordinador que tenia una relación con una empleada la cual estaba robando en el area de caja y la despedi y el coordinador estaba muy molesto porq habia enviado videos a mis jefes en caracas y la habia despedido sin notificarle , la realidad es que como gerente general no debia notificarle pero si hacer mi trabajo el señor me quizo levantar una amonestación la cual no firme porque siempre tuve una conducta intachable en mis trabajos anteriores y en ese entonces , muy molesta deje todo esto atras hable con mis superiores en caracas diciendoles el motivo de mi renuncia , dejando las cuentas claras y todo lo referente a la franquicia , el mismo dia ya habia programado una cita con un Arabe dueño de una tienda de comida que me conocia por mi trabajo me dio el empleo de inmediato dure dos años con ellos pero como siempre estaba en mi trabajo mi familia empezo presionarme para que dejara este trabajo diciendome que el dia que ya no me necesiten solo me botaran sin explicación alguna apoyandome para que terminar de estudiar y tener un nuevo negocio que solo trabajara para mi misma , termine mis estudios y hoy dia tengo un internet llamado en otras palabra un cyber actualmente tambien cuento con el apoyo de mi hermano Eduardo el cual siempre paralelamente a lo antes mencionado siempre ha visto mi empeño por estudiar y decidio apoyarme pagandome un tecnologico el cual estoy activa actualmente acabo de pasar para el sengundo semestre de CONTADURIA , lo unico que les puedo decir es que tenemos que ser perseverante por lo que queremos para nuestras vidas y sobre todo siempre es importante como mujer ser independiente .me gusta viajar con mi familia , aprender de todo un poco y ser muy positiva , responsable y puntual.
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@marydelmar70 | You know that you have amazed me with your work experience in your self-introduction post. You are a hard worker. In this place, surely a lot of things you can tell. Also lots of hobbies that can be poured. So, welcome and saludos.
Bienvenida María... Que genial verte por acá...
Hello, and welcome. Hope you have a really good experience on here.