Witch of Warwick. Splinterlands Fan-Art.

Hello Everyone

How are you?

I hope you're doing well and leading a sound life. I bring you another one of my artwork today. This one is also a digital drawing fan art of a monster of Splinterlands. I drew this one to participate in the weekly art contest arranged by @splinterlands. I'll be sharing the process of my drawing in this post. About my tools and how I drew a fan-art version of the original card that is quite different from the original.

The monster I drew today is named Witch of Warwick. I used my laptop, graphics tablet, stylus drawing touch pen, and a drawing software named ibis Paint. I'll attach both my drawing and the original image below and you can check it out. I'll also add the link to the contest at the end of my post. So, let's get started:-

My Drawing


Original Image


I started by drawing the body structure of the character. After that, I put on the hair eyes, and other small details. After I was finished with the structure and detailing part. I started drawing the borderlines of her dress structure. Drawing her wrist and fingers in that specific pose was the hardest part for me. Now, it's time to put on the colors

I started by adding the primary colors. And you can see me adding multiple color layers as the primary part. I add them in the beginning cause they help me to blend the layers and bring out the preferred shades and curves.

This is the part where I started blending the colors to bring out the skin tone and also started working on her eyes. After I was done with her eyes and eyebrows, I started working with her lips and teeth too. You can also see that I made some development with the skin time this tone.

Here you can see I kind of completed the skin tone of both the body and face, Though there are a lot more touches needed to get the final result and it's the beginning of all.


Here, in this step, I drew her hair according to the line I had drawn before and then I started working on her dressing part. I started with adding the borderlines and then putting the primary color layers I needed to draw.

With some more strokes and the blending of the color layers, I added. I also drew the rest of the dress too. And now finally with some extra details on her hair to match her character, the drawing is at the doorstep of its final process.


Final Image

I finished the drawing in the previous step and now after adding the background, here's the final image:-


I hope you liked my drawing and my post about the process. Tell me in the comments if you liked it or not I'd love some suggestions to improve my work. I appreciate you for the time and effort you put into reading my post.


Thank You.
