Is BTC Going To Crash Soon As Usual?


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Bitcoin’s (BTC) market tendency to crash by over 80% after logging strong bull runs might come to an end.

That is according to a new report published by California-based hedge fund Pantera Capital. In detail, the report notes that the recent periods of BTC price drops have been less severe than in the past.

For instance, in 2013–2015 and 2017–2018, Bitcoin crashed by as much as 83% after topping out near $1,111 and $20,089, respectively. Similarly, the cryptocurrency’s bull run in 2019–2020 and 2020–2021 led to massive price corrections. Nevertheless, the scales of their retracements afterward were -61% and -54%, respectively.

Bitcoin bull and bear markets across its history. Source: Pantera Capital
Dan Morehead, CEO of Pantera Capital, highlighted the consistent drop in selling sentiment after the 2013–2015 and 2017–2018 bearish cycles, noting that future bear markets would be “shallower.” He explained:

I long advocated that as the market becomes broader, more valuable, and more institutional the amplitude of prices swings will moderate.

The statements appeared as Bitcoin renewed its bullish strength to retest its current record high near $65,000.

BTC/USD rallied above $60,000 for the first time since early May as the United States Securities and Exchange Commission approved the first Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) after years of rejecting similar investment products.

The approval of ProShare’s Bitcoin Strategy ETF raised expectations that it would make it easier for institutional investors to gain exposure in the BTC market. That also helped Bitcoin wipe almost all the losses incurred during the April–July bear cycle as BTC’s price doubled to reclaim levels above $60,000

What is Btc Price Future?

It's turning out to be progressively normal to hear $100,000 valuations as Bitcoin develops to turn into a standard monetary resource, with its first ETF endorsement appearing to be ok around the bend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.033 PAL


it's going to crash lol. i imagine at this point you can get rich off just shorting bitcoin lol. it's funny i laugh at this guy on here everytime btc goes up he starts on the 250k btc and all that. it dumps down he gets quiet. it rises up he goes back to it. i think it's hillarious.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Hahaha there is this guy in my country on Instagram called Bitcoin chief, he is similar and have big high hopes. I really don't care as I don't have Bitcoin but I just so scared about altcoins.

0.000 PAL

Well only thing i can say to that is if you don't have bitcoin pick an altcoin not tied to bitcoin. Now some would say that's not possible everything is coupled to bitcoin. That's not really true. A good altcoin that really serves a need and purpose beyond speculation or some type of pyramid scheme. Will perform well despite bitcoin. .You know how i know this?

I saw bitcoin crash all the way down to like $3000 from like $20k. i saw bitcoin go to $60k and lose like half of its value in weeks. I saw altcoins that were good altcoins gain like 400% during this same period. The reason that happened with some were based on development and need. So if you research and find a really good project and don't just read and consider the pros. What i do is my best way to really find out about a project is listen to all the critics lol

Hive has tons of critics. If you do even a little research you will find all the criticism on hive. When you find out what that is weigh it then make your determination from that on any project lol. the problem is not just in btc but every other project people just look optimistic heads in the clouds. but that's not how it works lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

This is a great and instrutive advice, Alot of people pay to hear this. Thanks a lot, I will take with both hands.

0.000 PAL

Fortunately, I'm not a fan of btc 😁

0.000 PAL

lol bitcoin can’t be stopped shitcoins can’t compete! It’s fun watching them bleed out against the only currency that matteda

0.000 PAL

Fun or annoying? I don't have Btc 🤣🤣🤣

0.000 PAL

Oh so much fun, love seeing shitcoiners justify their stupid projects! Well good luck with that, we all have to make our own mistakes

0.000 PAL

I remember Netscape saying something similar. Nokia too.

0.000 PAL

That’s such a intellectually lazy analogy as if being the first means you’re doomed to fail! You can rationalize all you want, but bItcoin isn’t going anywhere

To put it an analogy similar to yours, TCP/IP, was never replaced! The protocol was launched with the dawn of the internet,hasn’t changed or been replaced

0.000 PAL

Being first DOES mean you are doomedd to fail. Historically no first mover product has ever made it to the mature stage of a market sector. This is because technology always improves on any prototype ...and to do so the prototype gets worked on and improved. For this not to be the technology would stop dead in its tracks and it would be the Black Swan to end all Black Swans. You would have to start living in a world that would be similar to the religious "utopias" such as the Amish have.

TCP/IP is not one product but a suite of protocols that are considered to be "standards" that is continually being added to ....even today crypto products are being added to the list of standards that compose the TCP/IP suite, Syntropy (NOIA) being the most famous.

0.000 PAL

Impossible is nothing..
Well I see it achieving a new support butt not as low as 80%..

0.000 PAL

If you look at the weekly BTC charts you can see record length green candles. That is just not sustainable. You'd have to be incredibly naive to think that it can keep on going this way. It's going to be a painful ride down for many.

0.000 PAL