Time Travel? Maybe...


Generated by me using MetaAI.

Honestly, the prompt is a thoughtful one that stirs something up deep within me. Because at some point in our different lives, we all have dreamt of a time machine.

Okay, maybe not particularly a time machine, but we all have dreamt at one point or the other in our lives to just go back in time and rewrite or fix a thing or two mistakes. Maybe to relieve a happy moment with a loved one we might have lost in this journey we call life.

Not just personally but in the world at large, there are some global anomalies which we feel that going back in time might be the solution to prevent it from happening.

But the prompt is not for anyone else to answer or for me to speak for others. It is for me to answer. So, if I could go back in time, would I change anything?

The answer is yes.

Without thinking twice about it, because severally I keep thinking about those mistakes of my life that I'd like to erase, some regrets I'd like to fix, some heartbreaks I'd like to avoid, and beautiful memories I'd like to hold onto a little longer.

If I could go to the past, I would jump on the BTC train while it was still early. And buy a handful of BTC. I recall hearing about it on the radio and all I thought was it was some scam deal. Little did I know that a few months later, it'll be the new gold in town.

I will have avoided a costly mistake that made me waste beautiful years of my life due to sickness. I would have listened to Mum and Dad and done the right thing; maybe I would have made good use of those years I wasted being in a sick bed.

Mended some broken relationships. It's said that some people are meant to leave your life, but sometimes, when I remember how good it was then, I wonder what went wrong.

But aren't mistakes or moments, both good and bad, the glue that keeps me together to be who we are today?

Are those mistakes and regrets not what made me grow and become wiser? Are they not what taught me to be resilient, emphatic and patient? Are they not what taught me to stand up after every fall? To recognize the joy that comes after pain. Are they not what taught me to learn to be better to humans around me and even to myself?

So what if I go back in time to change my past and I end up cutting a delicate fabric of my life? Maybe I'll end up cutting off some beautiful people in my life today. People I wake up to every morning and thank God for meeting them. Maybe I wouldn't have met my boss, my best friend. Maybe I wouldn't have known Hive or this beautiful community.

I strongly believe that the past is meant to be forgotten and to move on. Because somehow it leads me to who or a place I was meant to be.

Although, the idea of building a time machine and going back in time is tempting. But I'd rather not tamper with the foundation of who I am today or tamper with how the universe was meant to work. I'd rather take the lessons learnt and move on.

I don't believe that life was meant to be perfect for everyone. I might sound stupid, but I think a little bit of imperfection shapes us to care and understand more about life, people and ourselves.


Each mistakes we make has a reason, for a relationship, it's never too late to fixed them, if we apologize, about BTC, I think most people will like to go back and buy, it has become a global asset.


Cordial Greetings @marriot5464
It is exquisite and enriching all the reflections that you have generated in you, this discursive exercise, in particular I do not escape the nostalgia of yesterday. With respect to BTC I would never have thought about it, I was light years away from considering cryptocoins and these did not flow in my life. If we were to change our past, it would alter and modify absolutely everything. However, the transit in it brings us value, many roots are attached to our interior and remind us of what we have walked, valuable for the present and perhaps a projection to the chimerical and uncertain future.
On behalf of our team #ThoughtfulDailyPost we thank you for your participation !PIZZA

Cordiales Saludos @marriot5464
Es exquisito y enriquecedor todas las reflexiones que ha generado en usted, este ejercicio discursivo, en lo particular tampoco escapo a las añoranzas del ayer. Con respecto al BTC jamás lo hubiese pensado, estaba a años luz de considerar las criptomonedas y estas no fluían en mi vida. Si cambiáramos nuestro pasado, se alteraría y modificaría todo absolutamente todo. Sin embargo el transitar en él nos aporta valor, muchas raices están adheridas a nuestro interior y nos recuerdan lo andado, valioso para el presente y quizás una proyección al futuro quimérico e incierto.
En nombre de nuestro equipo #ThoughtfulDailyPost le agradecemos su participación.

Hello @marriot5464. A few things I'd like to suggest/ask. As I look over your content. I feel you could benefit from the functionality of the Grammarly App. You can find the mobile download...here:

Grammarly App.

Now then... for photos. We require everyone to show the source of their images/photos with a link that takes your readers "directly" to the images/photos used. I realize you won't be able to get the "exact" link of the AI image. But you could add the following to your image:

Generated by me using MetaAI. This can be done as follows...

[Generated by me using MetaAI](https://www.meta.ai/).

Now you have a link that takes your readers "directly" to the app/software used. We would rather you use your "own" Original Content but this is closer to our guidelines... which can be found at the following link: https://peakd.com/c/hive-109288/about. Moving on... As I look over your content. There are times that the structure doesn't seem "quite" cohesive. Are you using any type of AI Assistance, QuillBOT, etc? Or some form of translation BOT/Software? Lastly... are you aware of those who follow you and vote for your content? You have some rather shady accounts following you. I say all these things. To help elevate your awesome. I look forward to hearing back from you...



For my content I use grammarly app and Google doc with no assistance from AI or quillbot.
I have no idea of those shady accounts and please is there a way I can stop them from following or up voting my posts
Also I'll do well to link my photos properly next time.
Thank you for the feedback.

I try to give everyone feedback... I want everyone to succeed on our blockchain. As far as those accounts? There's not much you can really do that I know of. I used to have accounts that would upvote certain comments I left. They are just taking advantage of the system, to get curation rewards... Wish them well, and leave it be. As for the photo, I was hopeful you would take the time to edit your post; I did give you the exact solution, after all...

I took your advice and edited the photo source.
Thank you 😊


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