[ESP-ENG] Ladies of Hive Community Contest # 127 - Concurso Comunitario Damas de la Colmena #127





Feliz y bendecido nuevo día, ante todo espero se encuentren bien, llenos de salud y mucha energia positiva, creciendo brillando y siendo cada dia su mejor version, las preguntas de esta semana debo decir que me parecieron realmente interesantes porque aun a pesar de que como mujeres somos tomadas en consideracion para todo, puedo decir que como mujer no siento que realmente se tenga esa equidad debida hacia nuestro genero, existe tanta desinformacion y tanta inquetud al respecto de este tema que nosotras mismas debemos seguir siendo portavoces activas para que este desequilibrio social no continue en otras nuevas generaciones, y lo mas importante apoyandonos unas a otras como mujeres luchadoras y emprendedoras que somos.


Happy and blessed new day, first of all I hope you are well, full of health and a lot of positive energy, growing shining and being your best version every day, this week's questions I must say that I They seemed really interesting because even though as women we are taken into consideration for everything, I can say that as a woman I don't feel that we really have that equality due to our gender, there is so much misinformation and so much concern about this issue that we are the same We must continue to be active spokespersons so that this social imbalance does not continue in other new generations, and most importantly, supporting each other as the fighting and enterprising women that we are.


1️⃣ ¿ Estamos ayudando a defender nuestros derechos, la equidad, venciendo la pobreza o quedando al margen, apoyándonos unos a otros, y cómo?

Vivimos en una sociedad donde se nos ha venido imponienmdo una serie de doctrinas donde nos hacen ver como el sexo debil, cuando nosotras las mujeres somos la gran mayoria luchadoras, trabajadoras, mujeres empoderadas que sacan adelante una familia, no es realmente para nadie un secreto que habemos muchas mujeres que somos madres solteras y nos ha tocado salir adelante realizando todo tipo de luchas para vivir el dia a dia, donde no solo nos ocupamos del hogar si no que a su vez salimos dia a dia a trabajar cumpliendo roles de una manera increible, y de manera acertiva. Es importante como mujeres, madres, amigas, hijas velar por nuestros derechos en forma activa, promoviendo la equidad entre cada uno de nosotros sin llegar a desvalorizar a nadie , cada dia salen miles de mujeres a la calle a realizar una vida diaria donde no todo es facil, y aun asi salen adelante. La sociedad es complicada tienen reglas implicitas donde como sociedad debes cumplirlas o si no eres tomada a mal, siempre estoy en pro de crear conciencia donde se nos vea como a iguales ofreciendonos el mismo valor que a nuestros iguales, bien sea en el trabajo o en la vida diaria.

1️⃣ Are we helping to defend our rights, equity, defeating poverty or being left behind, supporting each other, and how?

We live in a society where a series of doctrines have been imposed on us where they make us look like the weaker sex, when we women are the vast majority of fighters, workers, empowered women who raise a family, it is not really a secret to anyone that there are many women who are single mothers and we have had to get ahead carrying out all kinds of struggles to live day to day, where we not only take care of the home but also In turn, we go out every day to work fulfilling roles in an incredible way, and in an accurate way. It is important as women, mothers, friends, daughters to actively watch over our rights, promoting equality between each one of us without devaluing anyone. Every day thousands of women go out to the streets to carry out a daily life where not everything It's easy, and they still get ahead. Society is complicated, they have implicit rules where as a society you must comply with them or if you are not taken badly, I am always in favor of creating awareness where we are seen as equals offering ourselves the same value as our equals, either at work or in daily life.

2️⃣ ¿ Nos mantenemos en contacto con otras mujeres regularmente, comprobando si necesitan ayuda, compartiendo cargas entre nosotras y cómo?

Siempre e pensado que juntas somos mas fuertes, por esta razon siempre estoy dispuesta y feliz en promover una equidad entre los generos aunque como en todo he encontrado trabas, criticas nunca desisto, creo que es importante enseñar y divulgar que todos somos iguales, valemos y somos importantes, y lo mas importante es que nosotras como mujeres hermosas que somos lo entendamos, aceptemos y luchemos juntas en bienestar de ello, cuando compartes las cargas se hace mas facil levantarte. Recuerda eres Maravillosa y tu Puedes con Todo, Confia en ti.

2️⃣ Do we keep in touch with other women regularly, checking if they need help, sharing loads with each other and how?

I have always thought that together we are stronger, for this reason I am always willing and happy to promote equality between genders, although as in everything I have encountered obstacles, criticisms, I never give up, I think that it is important to teach and disseminate that we are all equal, worth and are important, and the most important thing is that we as beautiful women understand it, accept it and fight together for its well-being, when you share the burdens it becomes easier to get up. Remember you are Wonderful and you can with everything, Trust in you.


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Si tienes una duda escríbeme un comentario, estaré feliz de ayudarte con cualquier detalle, Espero que mis diseños les gusten tanto como a mí me gusta, aprendan con placer ...!

Nunca olvides que el Poder es Querer y si quieres Puedes...

Eres Luz eres Energía, TU PUEDES ... Que el universo infinito Conspire para que todo siempre sea mejor ... Se les quiere ...

Venezuela FE

Somos Seres Abundantes! Qué las energías del universo vibren en sintonía con las de cada uno de nosotros en armonía! Cuidemos nuestras palabras, acciones y pensamientos!

If you have a question, write me a comment, I will be happy to help you with any details, I hope you like my designs as much as I like, learn with pleasure ...!

Never forget that Power is Wanting and if you want you can ...

You are Light, you are Energy, YOU CAN ... May the infinite universe Conspire so that everything is always better ... They are loved ...

Venezuela FAITH

We are Abundant Beings! May the energies of the universe vibrate in tune with those of each of us in harmony! Let's take care of our words, actions and thoughts!



Pink Minimalist Linkedin Banner (1).gif

Pink Minimalist Linkedin Banner (2).gif


Translation by deepl



PS. You will earn more ALIVE tokens if you add #aliveandthriving too as we have a curation project looking for that tag with the largest ALIVE stake in the tribe behind it (@aliveandthriving).

  • The 4 points of #aliveandthriving, the first point is mandatory, then add one or more of the rest, share your journey to thrive in life.

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Es valorarse cada una.
También pienso que es el entorno donde te ha tocado desenvolverte y la cultura que se vive.
La información y el conocimiento son puntos importantes para salir de estos pensamientos de pobreza.



You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


As a woman we must be strong, not succumb to societal pressures and make sure to leave our footprint on whichever path we walk then no matter what the society thinks. Thank you for sharing your views of a powerful woman that we need to be.


As a woman we need to be filled with confidence and determinations that we also want to be an icon to be reckon with. Thanks for this lovely piece lady
