The Left Tends Not To Like Web 3.0
I've had some conversations on various social media platforms and face-to-face about Web 3.0 with people. Those who are left-leaning politically tend to hold the most negative opinions about Web 3.0.
Web 3.0 social platforms are very clearly advantageous for the little guy. They allow for freedom from censorship and easy and transparent monetization of all activities. All Web 3.0 social media platforms are so small that anyone who becomes a consistent user has a good chance of growing a good nest egg. This is in stark contrast with large established social media platforms on Web 2.0 where absolutely everything is monetized but where the monetization is hidden from view. Regular users are exposed to advertisements but the payments are hidden.
Hence, it would stand to reason for the left to appreciate Web 3.0 because Web 3.0 platforms like Hive are essentially cooperatives, which trade unions have set up everywhere. At least in the Nordic countries, cooperatives play a very large role in the retail sector. Individual stores are owned by individual entrepreneurs but the chains are cooperatives jointly owned and governed by the store owners and the customers via their elected representatives. There shouldn't be anything novel to the blockchain-based Web 3.0 model except from a technical point of view.
Yet, those on the left seem not to like Web 3.0 while preferring to be heavy users of social media platforms owned by giga corporations based in the USA. Their position makes zero logical sense. They hate the explicit monetization. On the other hand, their own ideology is entirely about money and material resources.
It is well-known that the left favors Big Government more frequently than the right - at least rhetorically, much of the right seems to be perfectly fine with Big Daddy Government as a source of subsidies and lucrative contracts. Web 3.0, in contrast, is associated with the cryptocurrency sector, which is rooted in the cyberpunk movement that is borderless and anarcho-capitalistic in terms of philosophical underpinnings.
It's a pity, though, because as nation states continue to deteriorate, Web 3.0 has potential to replace the large corporation dominated vulture capitalist model with one where the little guy has a say.
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The way some people see 'web3' is the and way they see every 'new thing'.
Regardless of how advantageous web3 can be, It is only natural for people to show resistance to new things. Haha. But everyone usually comes to term with it after a while.
Yes, that's true. And I think in the case of left-wing people they tend to associate Web 3.0 with DeFi, which they associate with "casino capitalism" and tax avoidance.
Yeah. Basically, anything that can't give them centralized control is seen as 'a danger to the economy'.
Even if they come into Web3, they will be looking for ways to monitor things and squeeze out tax from each Account. Haha.
Centralization is a key tool for the political left to realize their goals. That is the case historically as well as in the present.
I guess because the dominant discourse in the left is more authoritarian and less liberty minded. Web3.0 is more libertarian and resists authoritarians when it lives up to it's ideals
You're right.
I guess it comes down to socialist theory formation being dominated by Marxism. Marx saw the state as indispensable as a tool for bringing them (socialist goals) to fruition despite it withering away in the end according to his theories.
There are socialist theories that are non-authoritarian. Socialism and authoritarianism do not logically necessarily belong together. Although in practice it seems hard to imagine a large-scale society implement large-scale redistribution without any coercive mechanism in place.