[En-Es] My entry to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest # 194/ Mi entrada al Concurso Comunitario Ladies of Hive # 194


Greetings, appreciated hive ladies, friend @joanstewart gives us the following approach for the weekly community contest:
How ​​do you feel when you are alone responding to your thoughts? Possibly, you shared things in the past with your mother, grandmother or sister, someone who is no longer with you, do you turn to them and ask them what they would say if they were with you today? Please share those inner thoughts and fears that you carry in your heart.

Saludos, apreciadas damas de hive, la amiga @joanstewart nos hace el siguiente planteamiento para el concurso semanal de la comunidad:
¿Cómo te sientes cuando estás solo respondiendo a tus pensamientos? Posiblemente, compartiste cosas en el pasado con tu madre, abuela o hermana, alguien que ahora ya no está contigo, ¿te diriges a ellos y les preguntas qué dirían si estuvieran contigo hoy? Por favor comparte esos pensamientos internos y miedos que llevas en tu corazón.

Throughout my life I have heard this phrase "I told you so" a lot after confessing something that made me feel bad, hurt or made me uncomfortable, coming from the mouth of my sister who is not with me today, but whose memory and advice They remain intact in me.
My internal world is full of information, culture and ideology, history of the past, social conditioning, I got used to thinking, acting or imagining how she would advise me if she were around, there are words that penetrate and remain like an immense echo in our hearts. memories that is why every step I take I do it thinking about what my sister would say if she were next to me.

A lo largo de mi vida he escuchado mucho esta frase "te lo dije" después de confesar algo que me hacía sentir mal< me dolía o incómodaba, viniendo de boca de mi hermana que hoy no está conmigo, pero que su recuerdo y sus consejos permanecen intactos en mí.
Mi mundo interno está lleno de información, de cultura e ideología de historia del pasado, de condicionamiento social, me acostumbré a pensar, actuar o imaginar como me aconsejaría ella si estuviera cerca, hay palabras que calan y se quedan como un eco inmenso en nuestros recuerdos es por eso que cada paso que doy lo hago pensando en lo que diría mi hermana si estuviera junto a mí.

At this moment I am going through the separation of my pet, I feel terrible, in reality it was not my pet, it was only with me for a while while they arranged the documents to send it to the United States with its real owners, thirteen months were more than enough to consider her part of my family, right now I find myself immersed in sustained sadness, I am sure that my sister will remind me "Today you should know all the pride your sister feels for you, you are a fighter, dreamer, kind, brave and strong woman." , don't let anyone hurt you, you gave your best, I'm sorry to remember it, but I told you that one day Alaska will leave your side and it will hurt you a lot, but like many other things that you have lost, this will pass so well the day will come, that you will see her happy with her owner and you will be glad to have taken care of her as your own.

En estos momentos estoy pasando por la separación de mi mascota, me siento fatal, en realidad no era mi mascota, solo estaba conmigo por un tiempo mientras arreglaban los documentos para enviarla para Estados Unidos junto a sus verdaderos dueños, trece meses fueron más que suficiente para considerarla parte de mi familia, ahorita me encuentro sumergida en una tristeza sostenida, estoy segura de que mi hermana me recordara "Hoy debes saber todo el orgullo que siente tu hermana por ti, eres una mujer luchadora, soñadora, bondadosa, valiente y fuerte, no dejes que nadie te lastime, diste lo mejor de ti, lamento recordarlo, pero te lo dije algún día Alaska se irá de tu lado y te dolerá mucho, pero como muchas otras cosas que has perdido esto tan bien pasará llegará el día, que la verás feliz con su dueña y te alegras de haberla cuidado como tuya.

¡Gracias por leer, contenido original!

fotografías mostradas son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi .

La Versión en Inglés la realicé con el Traductor de Google.

Thank you for reading, original content!

photographs shown are my property, taken with my Redmi phone.

I made the English Version with Google Translate.


Amazing how some memories of a person hound us throughout life, with love and gentle persuasion at times. Perhaps it is time to visit local animal shelter and allow a beautiful soul to select you to be the owner of a furry friend, they are great company.



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I know that feeling, pets always become a part of our family and it becomes hard to let them go.
