Risa malvada que preocupa | 5 minute FreeWrite

Unsplash, @jwimmerli and edited by my son
Hace cierto tiempo asistí a un campamento en un lugar campestre, había mucha interacción en el día con ciertos animales, era un ambiente bastante agradable. Había un grupo de personas con quienes compartía variados temas. Así como se manifestaban diversos temperamentos, en la medida que nos relacionábamos.
En nuestro desarrollo y transcurrir por la vida, unos podemos desarrollar determinado grado de instinto que para otros puede ser exageración, pero para el que lo posee es natural, es una especie traducción exacta del lenguaje corporal que hablan más que mil palabras.
Una noche comentábamos sobre la vida de una persona que parecía tener un imán para atraer los problemas y dificultades, que era normal pasar por diferentes dificultades pero no de esa forma tan repetitiva. Y fuimos detallando cada escenario que conocíamos, unos se impresionaban y dolían por aquella persona, y decían que necesita apoyo o tiene un problema en su conducta que no puede corregir y al repetir esa conducta no sale de ese círculo de problemas.
Para mi sorpresa había alguien que con su expresión mostraba que le divertía lo que aquella persona estaba pasando, y entre relato y relato, no cesaba de carcajearse, le fabricaba una escena divertida y hacia burla de aquello, encontraba en la adversidad un motivo para reír, se podía notar un deseo enfermizo de seguir oyendo del tema, realmente le divertía en extremo y recordaba una frase popular que dice “ríe como una hiena”.
Tenía esa carcajada malvada de la hienas, investigando sobre las hienas, una de sus características son sus aullidos sobre todo en la noche, muy similares a una risa humana cuyo sonido es macabro y puede avisarte del peligro que se te acerca.
En el ser humano se puede identificar en la forma de gesticular cuando una persona no es digna de confianza, así como cuando la risa es fingida. También hay personas que tienen una manera de reír que podemos definirla como una “risa de bruja” sin que haya matiz de maldad, pero la risa malvada de aquella chica daba cierta alerta que no sabría explicar, algo que te daba la sensación de que algo anda en su vida emocional.
Some time ago I attended a camp in a country place, there was a lot of interaction during the day with certain animals, it was quite a nice environment. There was a group of people with whom I shared various topics. As well as different temperaments were manifested, as we interacted with each other.
In our development and passing through life, some of us can develop a certain degree of instinct that for others may be an exaggeration, but for those who possess it, it is natural, it is a kind of exact translation of body language that speaks more than a thousand words.
One night we were talking about the life of a person who seemed to have a magnet to attract problems and difficulties, that it was normal to go through different difficulties but not in such a repetitive way. And we were detailing each scenario that we knew, some were impressed and hurt by that person, and said that he needs support or has a problem in his behavior that he cannot correct and by repeating that behavior he does not get out of that circle of problems.
To my surprise, there was someone whose expression showed that he was amused by what that person was going through, and between stories, he did not stop laughing, he made a funny scene and made fun of it, he found in adversity a reason to laugh, you could notice a sick desire to continue hearing about it, it really amused him to the extreme and he remembered a popular phrase that says "he laughs like a hyena".
He had that evil laughter of the hyenas, researching about hyenas, one of their characteristics are their howls especially at night, very similar to a human laughter whose sound is macabre and can warn you of the danger that approaches you.
In humans it can be identified in the way of gesturing when a person is not trustworthy, as well as when the laughter is faked. There are also people who have a way of laughing that we can define as a "witch's laugh" without any hint of evil, but the evil laugh of that girl gave a certain alert that I could not explain, something that gave you the feeling that something is going on in her emotional life.
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