¿Oveja Negra? | 5 minute FreeWrite

Pexels, Autor: David Selbert



Tenía unos vecinos con una vida desenfrenada, porque en nuestro país como en el mundo existen este tipo de familias. Una madre alcohólica, seis hijos, cuatro varones y dos hembras de los cuales tres de ellos ya tenían su propia familia. Aquella mujer armaba sus parrandas todos los fines de semana. Dos de sus hijos ya eran mayores de edad, pero vivían en la misma casa. Participaban activamente con su madre, bailando, tomando y consumiendo drogas. Se sumaban amigos que compartían con ellos los mismos gustos por los vicios.

Solo el menor, llamémosle Pedro, se salía de la casa cuando se volvían incontrolables y se iba a dormir en una casa abandonada, llena de basura, como un indigente, para no ver todo lo que pasaba en su hogar. Era totalmente distinto a sus hermanos, no encajaba a pesar de estar siendo criado en el mismo ambiente. Para él era vergonzoso, porque llego a ver a su madre en actos moralmente cuestionables que suponían un trauma importante para un hijo.

Pasaron años en ese círculo violento y vicioso. Pedro estudio como pudo, tenía un amigo que le ayudaba en lo que podía porque también estudiaba y era dependiente de sus padres. Al salir de bachiller los padres de su amigo lo invitaron a celebrar a su casa ese importante logro. Y decidió irse juntos fuera de la ciudad a estudiar un técnico. Se fue y nadie de su familia lo noto o le dio importancia.

Con mucha dificultad pero con muy buenas notas logra obtener el título de Técnico en Computación. Contaba que había pasado días con una sola comida y pagaban una habitación sin luz porque era muy económica; en las noches para estudiar prendían velas, porque de día trabajaban en lo que podían porque aún no eran mayores, para él fue el fin de la historia de escases y limitaciones. Al recibir su diplomado, regresa a su ciudad natal y consigue rápido en una empresa de computación prestigiosa, ya con la mayoría de edad. Entonces es cuando sus hermanos empiezan a notarlo porque llegaba a casa con comida comprando cosas para la casa y tratando que su mamá se fuera apartando de todo aquello que lo avergonzaba y que tuviera una mejor vida, nunca le reclamo nada, solo lloraba en silencio.

Sus propios hermanos llegaron a robarle varias veces para costear su vicio, nada cambiaba, al contrario era peor. En ese tratar de mejorar a su familia, se enamora, se casa y se muda, y le sale un trabajo mejor en PDVSA, cuando trabajar en esa empresa era un gran privilegio. Su supero económicamente, se alejó de sus hermanos porque solo lo buscaban para pedirle, pero nunca abandono a su madre. Con el tiempo está enfermo del corazón esto empezó una nueva historia. Se encargó de ponerla en control con un médico, su tratamiento y todo lo que necesitaba, no le falto nada, pero le gano la enfermedad y murió un tiempo después.

La muerte de su madre fue el final de la historia triste, vergonzosa y deplorable de su vida. Decidió ser diferente, para lo cual se necesita ser valiente y saber que siempre existe algo mejor, solo hay que atreverse a buscarlo, su historia familiar lo golpeó pero él decidió usar ese golpe como impulso. Fue muy doloroso porque siempre se preguntaba porque siendo el menor pudo lograrlo y sus hermanos mayores solo se rindieron y se amoldaron a la decadencia.

Uno de sus hermanos también murió producto de cirrosis hepática y el otro logro salir del vicio y ahora es alguien productivo. Fin de la historia de violencia y drogas, policías y demás consecuencias. Ahora descansa de toda aquello y ahora disfruta de una bonita y respetable familia, Pedro es una de esas personas que no aceptan un no puedo porque mis padres no me dieron la oportunidad y tiene base para cuestionarlo.


I had neighbors with an unbridled life, because in our country as in the world there are such families. An alcoholic mother, six children, four boys and two girls, three of whom already had their own families. That woman used to organize her parrandas every weekend. Two of her children were of age, but lived in the same house. They actively participated with their mother, dancing, drinking and consuming drugs. They were joined by friends who shared with them the same taste for vices.

Only the youngest, let's call him Pedro, would leave the house when they became uncontrollable and go to sleep in an abandoned house, full of garbage, like a homeless person, so as not to see everything that was going on at home. He was totally different from his siblings, he didn't fit in despite being raised in the same environment. For him it was shameful, because he got to see his mother in morally questionable acts that were a major trauma for a son.

Years passed in this violent and vicious circle. Pedro studied as best he could, he had a friend who helped him as much as he could because he was also studying and was dependent on his parents. When he graduated from high school, his friend's parents invited him to celebrate this important achievement at their house. And he decided to go out of town together to study a technician. He left and no one in his family noticed or gave him importance.

With great difficulty but with very good grades, he managed to obtain a degree as a Computer Technician. He said that he had spent days with only one meal and paid for a room without electricity because it was very cheap; at night to study they lit candles, because during the day they worked in what they could because they were not yet adults, for him it was the end of the story of scarcity and limitations. When he received his diploma, he returned to his hometown and got a job quickly in a prestigious computer company, already with the age of majority. That's when his siblings began to notice him because he came home with food, buying things for the house and trying to get his mother to leave everything that embarrassed him and to have a better life, he never asked her for anything, he just cried in silence.

His own brothers even stole from him several times to pay for his vice, nothing changed, on the contrary, it was worse. While trying to improve his family, he fell in love, got married and moved, and got a better job in PDVSA, when working in that company was a great privilege. He got better economically, he moved away from his siblings because they only looked for him to beg him, but he never abandoned his mother. Eventually he became heart sick and this started a new story. He took care of putting her in control with a doctor, her treatment and everything she needed, she did not lack anything, but the disease won and she died some time later.

Her mother's death was the end of the sad, shameful and deplorable story of her life. He decided to be different, for which you need to be brave and know that there is always something better, you just have to dare to look for it, his family history hit him but he decided to use that blow as an impulse. It was very painful because he always wondered why being the youngest he was able to make it and his older siblings just gave up and molded to the decadence.

One of his brothers also died of cirrhosis of the liver and the other one managed to get out of the vice and is now someone productive. End of story of violence and drugs, police and other consequences. Now he is resting from all that and now enjoys a nice and respectable family, Pedro is one of those people who will not accept a "I can't because my parents didn't give me the opportunity" and has the basis to question it.


Tema Generador: Fin de la historia.


Basado en una historia real.


Usé DeepL para la versión en inglés
