uuuyyyyyyyy afraid of the dentist as a child[ENG-ESP]
I remember that since I was a little girl I always had trouble extracting my baby teeth. My aunt would hold the tooth with a thread and then extract it. But with me it wasn't the same, I wouldn't let them do that practice, I would get under the bed, and I wouldn't come out of there until my aunt calmed down. Even the loose teeth, since I wouldn't let them pull them out, they would ride on top of each other.
Recuerdo que desde niña siempre tenía problemas para extraerme los dientes de leche. A is hermanas con un hilo mi tia sujetaba el diente y luego lo extraia. Pero conmigo no pasaba lo mismo, no dejaba que me hicieran esa práctica, me metia debajo de la cama, y no salía de allí hasta que mi tía se quedara tranquila. Inclusive los dientes flojos como no permitia que me lo sacaran se montaba uno encima del otro.
That running after me was often done by my aunt to pull out my loose teeth. I had more than a week of toothache, I lived crying, but I did not accept to be taken to the dentist. I lived in terror.
Ese correteo detrás de mí lo hacía mi tía con frecuencia para sacarme los dientes flojos. Tenía más de una semana con dolor de muela, vivía llorando, pero no aceptaba que me llevaran al odontólogo. Vivía aterrada.
I remember I was about 8 years old and my toothache would not stop, it was decayed. My mother and my aunt invented a strategy to take me to the Cruz Rojas where they did tooth extractions. I was innocent of the situation I thought they would take me there to buy me something like they used to do. When I saw that it was the Red Cross where we were, because I already knew how to read and there was the Red Cross logo. I ran out, I remember that they were building a very nice park in my city, all that was waterlogged, and as I ran out, I fell, and my clean clothes were stained, but I got up and kept running away from the place.
Recuerdo que tenía como 8 años y el dolor de muela no cesaba la tenía cariada. Mi madre y mi tía inventaron una estrategia para llevarme a la Cruz Rojas allí hacian extracciones de muela. Estaba inocente de la situación creía que me llevarían a comprarme algo como solían hacerlo. Cuando vi que era la Cruz Rojas donde estábamos, porque ya sabía leer y estaba el logo de la Cruz Rojas. Salí corriendo, me acuerdo que estaban construyendo un Parque en mi ciudad muy bonito, todo eso estaba encharcado, y como sali corriendo, me he caido, y mi ropa limpiecita se mancho, pero asi me levante y seguí corriendo para alejarme del lugar.
When I was far enough away I waited for my aunt and my mother, my mother hit me and scolded me very hard, they punished me. But that didn't help me. My milk molars were splitting and my permanent molars were pushing on my milk molars. My mother was crazy and so was my aunt. They decided to take me to a psychologist and I started having therapy. I went twice a week to therapy, and little by little I overcame this phobia that was quite marked.
Cuando estaba bastante lejos espere a mi tia y a mi madre, mi mamá me pegó y regañó muy fuerte, me castigaron. Qué va eso no me valió. Las muelas de leche se me partían y las muelas permanentes sobre pujaban a las muelas de leche. Mi madre estaba vuelta loca al igual que mi tía. Decidieron llevarme a un psicologo y comencé a tener terapias. Iba dos veces a la semana a terapia, y poco a poco fui venciendo esa fobia que era bastante marcada.
Two months after the therapy and my mother took me to the dentist, I was already 9 years old, the psychologist told my mother to take her with confidence. She has overcome that phobia. And so she did. The dentist gave me a thorough check-up, my gums were very swollen. She took advantage of the opportunity and extracted some pieces of the molars I had, gave me local anesthesia and I was adapting until I went to the dentist every week. I did not make any more fuss and I was able to overcome that phobia. At home they always remember my fear of the dentist as a child.
Pasaron dos meses de la terapia y mi madre me llevó al odontólogo, ya tenía 9 años, la psicologo le dijo a mi madre llevala con confianza. Esa fobia ella la ha superado. Y así fue. La odontólogo me hizo una revisión exhaustiva, tenía las encías muy inflamadas. Aprovecho e hizo la extracción de algunos pedacitos de muela que tenía, me colocó anestesia local y me fui adaptando hasta que semanalmente asistía a visita odontológica. No hice más escándalos y pude superar esa fobia. Siempre recuerdan en casa mi miedo cuando niña por el odontólogo.
Mis tíos tenían esa practica, colocaba el hilo y esa voz fuerte: ¡corre! Bueno, eso era utilizado con los varones. Yo creo que me tragaba los dientes ja,ja,ja. Espero que sigamos haciendo una bonita labor haciendo comunidad y compartiendo comentarios con otros usuarios @mariela53.
My uncles had that practice, he would put the string and that loud voice: "Run! Well, that was used with the boys. I think I swallowed my teeth ha,ha,ha. I hope we keep doing a nice job making community and sharing comments with other users @mariela53
Ese hilito cuando lo veía después que a mí hermana le sacaban el diente y luego me tocaba a mí. Salia corriendo a veces me metía debajo de la cama otras veces me encerraba en el baño y de allí no salía hasta que todo estuviera calmado jajaja jajaja jajaja jajaja. Mi tía era muy cruel con ese hilo jajaja jajaja jajaja jajaja.
Esas visitas a odontologías siempre han sido temibles, y el ruidito ese chillón cuando le labran un diente a uno es aterradora.
Bueno, lo importante fue que superaste la situación.
Waooooo si súper traumático para mí. Gracias a Dios lo superé. Saludos
Lol... Even after falling and getting your dress stained, you continued running.
I can imagine your fear of getting treatment for your tooth.
It's a good move for mum to have you registered for a psychologist, it helped obviously.
Now, you'll be remembered as a girl who feared the dentist 😂
still I kept running. My dirty little face but I armed myself with a lot of strength and managed to advance as far as possible. I got as far away from that place as I could.
Haha yeah, you sure did
If, thank God, I managed to overcome a phobia with the help of a psychologist. If at home they remind me of the girl who ran away from the dentist and my nephews laugh out loud hahaha
I used to share such a phobia but then they used to tell us that if we remove the milk teeth and throw it on the roof...new and fine ones would grow in it's place so that being said...I wanted my new teeth to be fine..so I always made sure I removed them..
You had quite a feat .. running and falling down 😂😂😂...and you still didn't stop...good thing your aunt and mom were patient enough with you
friend, I was worth nothing. Not even the story of Mouse Perez. He panicked when he saw the thread hahahaha
I ran a lot and thought no one would catch me here. I fell on the wet ground, all my clothes, but I kept running in a panic.