Daily 5-minute message: Go to sleep.


I was born and raised in a very religious family. My grandmother Agripina spent hours teaching us how to pray. We would do the Holy Rosary. Then we would go on to learn the catechetical prayers, a special book to learn how to pray. The good thing was that my grandmother made the class very dynamic. My mother was amazed at how my grandmother practiced her teachings about the life of Jesus. And how all of us children at home listened to her.

The important thing we had to do before going to sleep was to pray to our Guardian Angel. And the Lord's Prayer was a must. We had to learn to make the sign of the cross and if we did not do it well we repeated it again and again. Until we learned. Every night we had to say our prayers before going to sleep. Because my grandmother said that if we didn't do them we would dream of monsters and mythological figures that would make us spend terrifying nights. When arriving every night the holy rosary could not be missing, and our prayer to the holy guardian angel.

Sometimes before going to sleep I remember that I was a little exaggerated hahahahahaha. Girl at last. When I didn't want to say my prayers before going to sleep I cried because I felt that monsters were coming to take me to the afterlife hahahahahaha my grandmother would accompany me and together we would pray. And I slept protected and peacefully. As I grew up that habit of praying before going to sleep remained as an apprenticeship that even after adulthood I have to pray and ask my guardian angel for protection and to watch over my sleep. This has been passed from generation to generation, my sisters also learned to pray before going to sleep and have taught their children to do so. I even taught my daughter and every night I would teach her to learn the bedtime prayer.

Versión en Español

Nací y me crié en una familia muy religiosa. Mi abuela Agripina pasaba horas enteras enseñándonos a rezar. Hacíamos el Santo Rosario. Luego pasabamos aprender las oraciones del catequesis, un libro especial para aprender a rezar. Lo bueno era que mi abuela hacia la clase bien dinámica. Mi madre quedaba asombrada como mi abuela practicaba sus enseñanzas sobre la vida de Jesús. Y como la escuchábamos todos los niños que vivíamos en casa.

Lo importante que debíamos hacer antes de ir a dormir era rezarle a nuestro Ángel de la guarda. Y el Padre Nuestro no podía faltar. Debíamos aprender a hacer la señal de la cruz y si no la hacíamos bien la repetíamos una y otra vez. Hasta aprender. Todas las noches debíamos realizar nuestras oraciones antes de ir a dormir. Porque mi abuela decía que sino se hacian soñaríamos con monstruos y figuras de la mitología que nos harían pasar noches de terror. Al llegar cada noche el santo rosario no podía faltar, y nuestra oración al santo ángel de la guarda.

En ocasiones antes de ir a dormir recuerdo que era un poco exagerada jajajajaja. Niña al fin. Cuando no quería rezar mis oraciones antes de ir a dormir lloraba porque sentía que los monstruos venian para llevarme al más allá jajajajaja mi abuela luego me acompañaba y juntas rezábamos. Y dormía protegida y plácidamente. A medida que fui creciendo ese hábito de rezar antes de ir a dormir quedó como un aprendizaje que hasta después de adulta tengo que rezar y pedir a mi ángel de la guarda protección y que vele por mi sueño. Esto ha pasado de generación en generación mis hermanas también aprendieron a rezar antes de ir a dormir y han enseñado a sus hijos hacerlo. Inclusive a mi hija la enseñe y cada noche me ponía con ella a que aprendiera la oración antes de dormir.


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Interesting! I can relate to this, I also grew up in a religious home. Funny how praying even before taking a meal has become a subconscious habit
