(ESP/ENG) Esquema Ponzi: La estrategia utilizada por "El estafador de Tinder"


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1. Review

En este documental de investigación transmitido por la plataforma de Streaming Netflix y dirigido por Felicity Morris, también productora de No te metas con los gatos Podemos ver las historias contadas de 3 mujeres que forman parte de un grupo de víctimas de estafa de Simon Leviev, un Israelí cuyo nombre anterior era Shimon Hayut, el cual contactaba mujeres a través de la app de citas #Tinder, mostrándose como un magnate multimillonario de la industria del diamante y deslumbrando a todas con viajes, hoteles, carros y citas llenas de lujos y opulencia, para luego pedirles dinero o sus tarjetas de crédito en forma de "préstamo" con la justificación de estar en medio de una alerta de seguridad personal y víctima de un ataque de sus "enemigos", haciendo siempre promesas de amor y engaños, ofreciendo el pronto pago de la deudas incluso por sumas mayores a las que a ellas les debía. Finalmente se explica cómo esas 3 mujeres con el apoyo de un medio impreso noruego logran desemascarar a Leviev develando su rostro ante las Redes Sociales y medios de comunicación de varios países de Europa e Israel, las múltiples identidades y las estrategias que utilizaba para manipularlas y luego lograr que fuese posible su encarcelamiento en Israel (al menos por algunos meses).

Para efectos de este post me concentraré en explicar las tácticas empleadas por Leviev para llevar a cabo con éxito todas sus estrategias de estafa financiera.

Pero primero, lo primero:

2. ¿Qué es el esquema Ponzi?

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En el documental se habla que Leviev utilizó esta estrategia de estafa para poder ejecutar sus planes, aprendamos un poco de ello:

- ¿Cómo funciona?

"El esquema Ponzi se caracteriza por ser una forma de inversión, en la que una empresa promete pagar a los inversores el dinero invertido con un gran porcentaje de interés en un corto periodo de tiempo" (...) "El reconocimiento de las supuestas “utilidades” de los inversionistas antiguos se financia del dinero aportado por las nuevas víctimas, que a su vez buscan nuevos socios (víctimas) para invertir sosteniendo el sistema piramidal en el que se encuentran apoyados."

Imagina una empresa o persona que promete que si le das tu dinero para algún proyecto o negocio "muy rentable" este te producirá altos niveles de intereses o beneficios antes de devolvértelo, todo parece legal, su reputación es muy alta, respaldada por medios comprobables, es decir, CONFÍAS en que las promesas serán cumplidas y en efecto los primeros meses así sucede y estas maravillado/a con los resultados, definitivamente tu inversión genera frutos y no tienes ninguna duda.

¿Qué sucede detrás?

Resulta que este inversionista le hace promesas no solo a ti sino a muchos más y todos dan su dinero para ponerlo a "producir" y tu no lo sabes pero, este inversionista lo que hace es que con tu dinero y el de otros, paga esos "supuestos" intereses y crea una estructura piramidal donde en definitiva el dinero no está siendo reinvertido sino simplemente reconducido para poder seguir dando garantías a otros nuevos incautos y seguir obteniendo mucho más.

¿Por qué no funciona?

Sencillo, cuando no se consiguen nuevos inversionistas o al mismo tiempo todos piden su capital no hay como sostener esa estructura y el sistema simplemente colapsa, no existen ni los intereses ni el capital invertido ya que este "inversionista" lo gastó todo pagando los intereses de las otras víctimas y sobretodo en sus propios fines, de forma característica, lujos y una estilo de vida del mas alto nivel, sin invertir nada como se había prometido. De esta forma vemos personas que en muy poco tiempo se vuelven multimillonarios o con grandes beneficios, a costa del dinero de otros 🤑

Algunos ejemplos
  • Baldomera Larra (1870) Madrid, España: hija de un famoso escritor español, decía que devolvería en un mes el doble de onzas de oro depositadas, cuando se volvió insostenible huyó con todo el dinero que pudo.
  • Carlos Ponzi (1920) Boston, USA: A quién se le debe este método, fue un emigrante italiano que estafó a miles de personas empresaros, ahorristas y personas comunes que ante la promesa de un retorno de entre 45 y 50% de su inversión sucumbían ante la estafa. Se dice que diariamente lograba recibir hasta $250.000.
  • Bernard Madoff (1999), USA. Banquero y asesor de inversiones estafó a bancos, empresas, fundaciones y personas por las de 64.800 millones de dólares, es el mayor fraude de la historia cometido por una sola persona.

3. Simon Leviev - El Carlos Ponzi moderno

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Analizando el caso de Leviev descrito en el documental y desde mi punto de vista, puedo describir cometió 3 tipos de fraude cometidos:

A. Estafa Financiera:

En este aspecto Leviev jugó con varios aspectos del esquema Ponzi:

  • Inversionistas víctimas: Mujeres de diferentes clases sociales, todas es búsqueda de pareja, con un buen historial crediticio o con ahorros considerables, buenas personas, de alguna forma ingenuas.
  • La promesa de un negocio rentable: El mismo Simon representaba total confiabilidad, era el galán perfecto, millonario, bien parecido, con ropa, objetos y gustos extravagantes que podía costearse sin problema y tampoco tenía inconvenientes en compartirlos. Su mayor promesa era una relación con futuro y estabilidad y también devolver el dinero con sumas mayores a las adeudados, pero eso sí, siempre a riesgo de sus "enemigos".
  • Pago de intereses rentables y Crecimiento exponencial de clientes: A pesar de que Leviev nunca pagó sus deudas a sus víctimas, "pagaba interéses" utilizando el dinero para invertir en nuevas víctimas para seguir mostrándose como un hombre de negocios exitoso y con una vida segura y rica y así ampliar su red de estafa.

B. Estafa Emocional:

  • Leviev escogía a sus víctimas luego de esa primera cita, y elegía esas mujeres que podían ser crédulas y románticas que se pudieran deslumbrar por tantas atenciones y detalles.
  • Siempre había una promesa de futuro: Matrimonio, hijos, una relación estable, incluso hasta una amistad incondicional.
  • Enamoraba a sus víctimas profundamente y estaba siempre presente en la vida de ellas, conociendo su familia, amigos, entre otros.
  • Realizaba chantajes emocionales con la amenaza de ser atacado por sus enemigos y supuestamente poniendo en riesgo la seguridad de él, de su "equipo" y de sus propias víctimas.

C. Estafa Tecnológica y legal.

  • Leviev falsificó en múltiples oportunidades su identidad, utilizando diversos argumentos para armar su fachada, falsificaba recibos de nómina, cheques, entre otros.
  • Utilizaba las RRSS como máscara de sus intenciones, siendo las principales Tinder e Instagram.
  • Ofrecía datos personales y laborales que no eran de él para que al momento de buscarlos en Internet concordaran con su historia.

4. ¿Por qué es difícil comprobar el fraude de Leviev?

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  • Sus gastos eran distribuidos con el dinero de diferentes víctimas para no llamar la atención tanto, es decir: Con una TDC pagaba el hotel, con cash de otra víctima sus gastos extravagantes y con el dinero de otra sus vehículos, dando como resultado que el fraudo no fuese tan masivo como para llamar la atención de las autoridades.
  • ¿Alguna vez haz prestado dinero y no te lo han devuelto? Sus víctimas hicieron exactamente lo mismo y de forma voluntaria, él mintió deliberadamente manipulando la situación de todas las formas posibles pero, al final, todas dieron el dinero, datos y TDC de forma voluntaria.
  • Hacía sus pagos y alquileres de vehículos usualmente a nombre de otras personas, en el documental pudimos ver el ejemplo que hubo un chofer de vehículos que dejó con una deuda de $300.000 que nunca pagó, todo estaba a nombre del chofer.
  • No se sabe la magnitud de su estrategia, posiblemente intervendrán su supuesto guardaespaldas "Peter" y su socio de negocios, pero ¿cómo? nada se sabe y tampoco se le ha podido comprobar ningún delito.
  • No hay un bagaje legal que contemple estos casos de fraude masivo con el que se pueda juzgar a Leviev.
  • Uno de los pocos cargos por los que Leviev ha podido ser juzgado es la múltiple falsificación de identidad, crímenes por los cuales ya ha sido enjuiciado y pagado cárcel.

5. ¿Cómo evitar ser víctimas?


Considero que a todos se nos puede aparecer un Simon Leviev en nuestras vidas, ofreciéndonos villas y castillos, pienso que lo más importante es no dejarse deslumbrar ni siquiera por el mayor de los lujos, prestar atención a las señales que SIEMPRE están allí y jamás prestar lo que no estés dispuesto a perder, aún cuando se lo estés prestando a la persona en quien más confíes. La inteligencia financiera y nuestro instinto debe siempre imperar sobre la toma de decisiones de este tipo.

De todas maneras, te dejo un artículo de una argentina que tuvo una cita con Leviev pero no cayó en sus redes debido a ciertas Red Flags que notó, puedes leerlo aquí

6. Último comentario

Independientemente de lo triste y dramáticas que son las historias de más de 20 mujeres debemos reconocer lo inteligente que es Simon Leviev y también el equipo con quien comete sus crímenes, al igual que otros estafadores de la historia que utilizaron el esquema de Ponzi me parece que es alguien que permite desplegar y desarrollar todas las capacidades que tiene para envolver no solo a una sino a muchísimas personas con sus historias, llevándolas al extremo de una manipulación emocional y financiera. Ojalá pudiese usar todas esas habilidades en algo donde no tenga que embaucar a nadie más.

Les dejo por acá el triller por si no se han animado aún a verla:

¿Y ustedes? ¿Qué opinan de esto?
¿Creen que caerían en las redes de algún Simon Leviev?

Muchas gracias por leerme!
Nos vemos en el próximo post!

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  1. Review

In this investigative documentary aired on the Streaming platform Netflix and directed by Felicity Morris, also producer of [Don't Mess with Cats](https://youtu. be/ZKCR4-ynzfc) We can see the stories told of 3 women who are part of a group of scam victims of Simon Leviev, an Israeli whose former name was Shimon Hayut, who contacted women through the dating app #Tinder, showing himself as a multi-millionaire diamond tycoon and dazzling them all with trips, hotels, cars and dates full of luxury and opulence, to then ask them for money or their credit cards as a "loan" with the justification of being in the middle of a personal security alert and victim of an attack by his "enemies", always making promises of love and deception, offering the prompt payment of debts even for sums greater than what he owed them. Finally it is explained how these 3 women with the support of a Norwegian print media managed to unmask Leviev, revealing his face to the social networks and media of several countries in Europe and Israel, the multiple identities and strategies he used to manipulate them and then make it possible for him to be imprisoned in Israel (at least for a few months).

For the purposes of this post I will concentrate on explaining the tactics employed by Leviev to successfully carry out all his financial scam strategies.

But first things first:

2. What is a Ponzi scheme?

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In the documentary it is discussed that Leviev used this scam strategy in order to execute his schemes, let's learn a little bit about it:

- How does it work?

"The Ponzi scheme is characterized as a form of investment, in which a company promises to pay investors the money invested with a large percentage of interest in a short period of time" (...) "The recognition of the alleged "profits" of the old investors is financed from the money contributed by the new victims, who in turn seek new partners (victims) to invest sustaining the pyramid system in which they are supported."

Imagine a company or person who promises that if you give him your money for some "very profitable" project or business, it will produce high levels of interest or benefits before giving it back to you, everything seems legal, its reputation is very high, backed by verifiable means, that is, you TRUST that the promises will be fulfilled and indeed the first months it happens and you are amazed with the results, definitely your investment bears fruit and you have no doubt.

What happens behind?

It turns out that this investor makes promises not only to you but to many others and they all give their money to put it to "produce" and you do not know it but, what this investor does is that with your money and that of others, he pays those "supposed" interests and creates a pyramidal structure where in short the money is not being reinvested but simply reconverted to be able to continue giving guarantees to other new unwary people and to continue obtaining much more.

Why doesn't it work?

Simple, when new investors are not obtained or at the same time all ask for their capital there is no way to sustain that structure and the system simply collapses, there are neither the interests nor the invested capital since this "investor" spent it all paying the interests of the other victims and above all in his own purposes, in a characteristic way, luxuries and a lifestyle of the highest level, without investing anything as promised. In this way we see people who in a very short time become multimillionaires or with great benefits, at the expense of the money of others 🤑.

Some examples
  • Baldomera Larra (1870) Madrid, Spain: daughter of a famous Spanish writer, she said she would return in one month twice as many ounces of gold deposited, when it became untenable she fled with all the money she could.
  • Carlos Ponzi (1920) Boston, USA: To whom we owe this method, he was an Italian immigrant who swindled thousands of businessmen, savers and common people who succumbed to the swindle with the promise of a return of between 45 and 50% of their investment. It is said that he managed to receive up to $250,000 daily.
  • Bernard Madoff (1999), USA. Banker and investment advisor swindled banks, companies, foundations and individuals out of $64.8 billion, the largest fraud in history committed by a single person.

3. Simon Leviev - The modern Carlos Ponzi

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Analyzing Leviev's case described in the documentary and from my point of view, I can describe he committed 3 types of fraud committed:

A. Financial Fraud:

In this aspect Leviev played with several aspects of the Ponzi scheme:

  • Investor victims: Women from different social classes, all are looking for a partner, with a good credit history or with considerable savings, good people, somehow naive.
  • The promise of a profitable business:* Simon himself represented total trustworthiness, he was the perfect beau, millionaire, good looking, with extravagant clothes, objects and tastes that he could afford without any problem and he had no problem in sharing them. His greatest promise was a relationship with future and stability and also to pay back the money with sums greater than those owed, but always at the risk of his "enemies".
  • Profitable interest payments and exponential customer growth: Although Leviev never paid his debts to his victims, he "paid interest" by using the money to invest in new victims to continue to portray himself as a successful businessman with a secure and wealthy life and thus expand his scam network.

B. Emotional Fraud:

  • Leviev chose his victims after that first date, and he chose those women who could be gullible and romantic who could be dazzled by so many attentions and details.
  • There was always a promise for the future: marriage, children, a stable relationship, even unconditional friendship.
  • He fell deeply in love with his victims and was always present in their lives, getting to know their family, friends, among others.
  • He carried out emotional blackmails with the threat of being attacked by his enemies and supposedly putting at risk the security of himself, his "team" and his own victims.

C. Technological and legal scam.

  • Leviev falsified his identity on multiple occasions, using various arguments to build his facade, forged payroll receipts, checks, among others.
  • He used social networks as a mask for his intentions, the main ones being Tinder and Instagram.
  • He offered personal and employment data that were not his so that when they were searched on the Internet they would match his story.

Why is it difficult to prove Leviev's fraud?

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  • His expenses were distributed with the money of different victims so as not to attract so much attention, i.e.: With a TDC he paid for the hotel, with cash from another victim his extravagant expenses and with the money of another victim his vehicles, resulting in a fraud that was not so massive as to attract the attention of the authorities.
  • Have you ever borrowed money and not been paid back? His victims did exactly the same and willingly, he deliberately lied by manipulating the situation in every possible way but in the end they all gave the money, data and TDC willingly.
  • He made his payments and vehicle rentals usually in the name of other people, in the documentary we could see the example that there was a vehicle driver that he left with a debt of $300,000 that he never paid, everything was in the name of the driver.
  • The magnitude of his strategy is not known, possibly his supposed bodyguard "Peter" and his business partner will intervene, but how? nothing is known and no crime has been proven.
  • There is no legal baggage that contemplates these cases of massive fraud with which Leviev can be tried.
  • One of the few charges for which Leviev has been tried is multiple identity fraud, crimes for which he has already been tried and paid jail time.

How to avoid being a victim?


I believe that a Simon Leviev may appear in our lives, offering us villas and castles, I think the most important thing is not to be dazzled even by the greatest of luxuries, pay attention to the signs that are ALWAYS there and never lend what you are not willing to lose, even if you are lending it to the person you trust the most. Financial intelligence and our instinct should always rule over making decisions of this kind.

Anyway, I leave you an article of an argentinian woman who had a date with Leviev but did not fall in his nets because of some Red Flags she noticed, you can read it here

6. Last comment

Regardless of how sad and dramatic the stories of more than 20 women are we must recognize how smart Simon Leviev is and also the team with whom he commits his crimes, just like other scammers in history who used the Ponzi scheme it seems to me that he is someone who allows to deploy and develop all the capabilities he has to wrap not only one but very many people with his stories, taking them to the extreme of an emotional and financial manipulation. I wish he could use all those skills in something where he doesn't have to bamboozle anyone else.

I leave here the thriller in case you have not yet dared to watch it:

What about you guys, what do you think about this?
Do you think you would fall for any Simon Leviev?

Thank you very much for reading me!
See you in the next post!

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Traducción DeepL

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The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism


The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism


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