LIL: Urban Photography


Greetings Lmac community!

I share with you some urban photographs I took recently, the first one in a great avenue of my city, called Luis Viana Avenue, I thought I took it at a perfect time because it was almost empty, you can see better the details of the landscape, I also took pictures of the Trobogy subway station, I liked the effect of the light ring that makes the ventilation of the roof and is reflected on the floor of the station, and finally a sequence of photos of the subway arriving at the station, which can serve for a perfect gif in a collage.

I hope these photos are useful and valuable and that they awaken the creativity of the artists who make their weekly collages here.

Avenue avenue, street, city, urban, pedestrian
Avenue avenue, street, city, urban, pedestrian, automobile, subway station
Subway station subway station, city, urban, light ring
Subway subway station, city, urban
Subway subway station, city, urban
Subway subway station, city, urban
Subway subway station, city, urban



0.026 PAL


Saludos amiga @mariale07 sus fotos están hermosa, la que más me gustó y llamo la atención fue la estación de luz, tiene como la forma de caracol o de rosca. 😃😃

0.000 PAL