Mi mayor Hobbie | My greatest hobby
Hello people, how are you doing? As the title says I have a hobby that I love and I'm always trying to learn amazing things, I tell you that I have a sewing machine, a few years ago my uncle gave it to me because I wanted to do a sewing course.
My beginnings in sewing were a constant up and down, since when I started the first course I could not finish it because they stole the facilities and none of my classmates wanted to attend, I started the second course in another place of course and came the pandemic, I do not know if it is a sign hahaha of self-learning, but so I took it; in these courses I learned to take measurements and make simple patterns of course.
I have the ability to make a simple blouse but for me haha, in fact I have only made garments for me, I'm a little afraid to make for someone else because if it looks bad I would feel lacking, but my mom is my biggest fan in this subject and I buy a fabric to make a dress that will be my biggest challenge, which of course I will show you.
As you can see in the photo yesterday I made a nice bow that I hope to make more and why not undertake and have my own line of bows, scrunchies, headbands and more, yes more because even stockings I have made I think they fit me well that model if I have given to my family and friends and they have liked, my next article will show them step by step, and little by little I hope to be perfecting the sewing and design I love.
Gracias por leer mi post | Thanks for reading my post
Buenas vibras para todos | Good vibes to all
Traducción realizada en DeepL | Translation done at DeepL
Fotos tomadas de redmi 10 | Photos taken from redmi 10
Hola hermosa, que bello te quedo.
Hola @mariakekin ,Gracias espero subir otros modelos a ver que tal.
Amiga ese lazo te quedo precioso, tienes talento para eso, así que te deseo muchos éxitos en tus próximas creaciones. 💛
Gracias bebe!!
¡Que gran regalo te hizo tú tío ! . Me había llamado bastante la atención la costura cuando era un poco más pequeña ya que veía a mi tía hacer bellezas pero al final nunca terminé de animarme por completo a aprender bien bien porque estaba algo pequeña y me daba miedo que le pasara algo a mi dedo con la aguja de la máquina 🫠,sin embargo ya ahora que estoy un poco más grande me gustaría aprender, se ve que es un oficio que es divertido y se le puede sacar muchísimo provecho .
Hola @mjpacheco tienes que intentarlo es genial, crear tus propios diseños es increible