Fiesta de carnaval❤️🥳✨//Carnival party❤️🥳✨ [Esp-Eng]



Hola, ¿cómo están amigos? Espero y se encuentren muy bien. Hoy quiero contarles como fue mi carnaval, ya que en estas fechas muchos niños se disfrazan y se ven tan lindos y tiernos, esta vez desde el más chiquito al más grande participaron en estas fiestas.

Desde temprano me fui con varias personas de mi comunidad a un terreno que está cerca de mi casa, y allí se encuentra un pequeño parque. Esta concentración fue realizada por todas las personas que habitan en la urbanización de dónde vivo, ya que para estas fechas juntamos un granito de arena cada quien para alegrar a los niños.😍

Hello, how are you folks? I hope you are doing well. Today I want to tell you how my carnival was, since on these dates many children dress up and look so cute and tender, this time from the youngest to the oldest participated in these festivities.

Early in the morning I went with several people from my community to a piece of land near my house, where there is a small park. This concentration was made by all the people who live in the urbanization where I live, since for these dates we all put together a little grain of sand to cheer up the children.😍


Ya estaban los niños y jóvenes reunidos en el lugar, unos estaban jugando y otros corriendo. Estaban muy emocionados.

Se hicieron dinámicas, había pintas caritas, y la música infantil que no podía faltar. Todo se estaba poniendo realmente bueno.

The children and young people were already gathered in the place, some were playing and others were running. They were very excited.

There were dynamics, face painting, and children's music that could not be missed. Everything was getting really good.


Aproveché y me tomé una foto con mi vecina, nos sentíamos muy emocionadas 🥰😍. Luego nos pusimos a entretener a los niños más pequeños y a ordenarlos porque le íbamos a dar un dulce de leche.

I took advantage and took a picture with my neighbor, we were feeling very excited 🥰😍. Then we got to entertain the younger kids and tidy them up because we were going to give her a dulce de leche.


Esos niños estaban muy contentos, cada niño tenía su vasito en mano. Estábamos listos para empezar a repartir los dulces. Se les dio arroz con leche, jugo, chicha y cotufas.😍 Hasta las personas mayores disfrutaron del buen sabor que tenían estos dulces.

La urbanización dónde vivo está conformada por varios sectores, por eso es que se ven los niños esparcidos, porque cada sector tiene un representante.

Imagínense la cantidad de niños y jóvenes que estaban disfrutando y gozando de cada cosa que había en el lugar.😍

Those children were very happy, each child had a cup in hand. We were ready to start handing out the sweets. They were given rice pudding, juice, chicha and cotufas 😍 Even the older people enjoyed the good taste of these sweets.😍

The urbanization where I live is made up of several sectors, that's why you see the children scattered, because each sector has a representative.

Imagine the amount of children and young people who were enjoying and enjoying everything that was in the place.


Miren a esta preciosura de niña con su disfraz.😍 En ese momento yo estaba repartiendo el arroz con leche. Hubo niños que le gustaba y volvían a repetir y nosotros felices y contentos por verlos sonreír.

Look at this cute little girl in her costume 😍 At that moment I was handing out the rice pudding. There were children who liked it and came back to repeat and we were happy to see them smiling.


Ya al repartir todo, los niños fueron llamados por los payasitos para seguir haciendo más juegos como adivinanzas, el juego de la papa caliente, el juego de las sillas 😂 y muchos más.

Al caer la noche cada sector de mi comunidad tenían sus reinas para luego hacer la elección de la reinita del carnaval 2023 de nuestro urbanismo.

Para mí todas esas niñas son reinas, ya que estaban muy lindas.

Once everything was distributed, the children were called by the clowns to continue playing more games such as riddles, the game of the hot potato, the game of chairs 😂 and many more.

At nightfall each sector of my community had their queens to then make the election of the queen of the carnival 2023 of our urbanism.

For me all those girls are queens, because they were very pretty.


Cómo ven todas las niñas de cada sector fueron coronadas.😍

Ya al finalizar todo cada quien se fue a su casita.

Desde muy dentro de mi corazón había una emoción enorme por poder participar en este evento que se hace cada año, y poder complacer a cada niño.

A pesar de que aún no tengo hijos, ellos son la alegría de cada hogar, un pilar fundamental de cada madre y padre, son tan frágiles e inocentes que con sus sonrisitas derriten cualquier corazón. Son unas ternuras 😍 como ven quedé muy encantada.

Espero que esto se siga repitiendo en mi comunidad y poder llevar una sonrisa a cada niño.😍

Muchas gracias por llegar asta aquí ❤️ Espero y te guste.

Dios los bendiga. ❤️✨

As you can see all the girls from each sector were crowned 😍.

At the end of the event, everyone went home.

From deep in my heart there was an enormous emotion to be able to participate in this event that takes place every year, and to be able to please each child.

Even though I don't have children yet, they are the joy of every home, a fundamental pillar of every mother and father, they are so fragile and innocent that with their little smiles they melt any heart. They are so tender 😍 as you can see I was very delighted.

I hope that this will continue to be repeated in my community and to be able to bring a smile to every child 😍.

Thank you very much for coming this far ❤️ I hope you like it.

God bless you. ❤️

0.003 PAL


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0.000 PAL

I hope you like it.

I love it!!!!

I enjoy seeing people celebrate children and I enjoyed reading how you guys chose a day to celebrate the children in your community, it is so thoughtful and valid. Those children will forever keep this memory in their hearts.

Looking through the pictures, I could imagine how happy the celebration made you all feel and I was happy reading through this and I also hope this love continues in your community.

0.000 PAL

Actually the kids are a total sweetheart and deserve the best in the world, these kids were very happy. I would like this to be practiced in many places, and that we always bring a smile to those little ones 😍.
Thank you very much a hug 😘

0.000 PAL

Yeah, if other places can adopt something like this, it would be really nice to make our children feel better.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, I loved my read.

0.000 PAL