My Entry to the "Love the Clouds" Contest #192 - Clouds on Christmas Eve [ENG/ESP]

“When I do not walk in the clouds I walk as though I were lost.”

Clouds on Christmas Eve

This December has been quite unusual: the days dawn cloudy although during the course of the day it clears, the high and sweltering temperatures, unlike what is customary when the last month of the year and the first of the next, are usually cool, and even cold at night by our standards, and finally, the blue of the sky is not as intense as in times past.

This morning I left the apartment early to buy some groceries before the Christmas break. After finishing my errands and while driving back home, I passed by Paseo Juan Guillermo Iribarren, a pedestrian boulevard that recently underwent maintenance work by local authorities.

I decided to park my car on one side of the street to take some pictures, taking advantage of the good weather and the fact that it was not crowded with people as it usually happens at night, where some neighbors go for a walk, practice some sport, or simply distract themselves.

Este Diciembre ha sido bastante inusual: los días amanecen nublados aunque en el transcurso del día se despeja, las altas y sofocantes temperaturas, a diferencia de lo acostumbrado cuando el último mes del año y los primeros del siguiente, suelen ser frescos, e incluso, fríos en las noches para nuestros estándares, y finalmente, el azul del cielo no es tan intenso como en épocas pasadas.

Esta mañana salí temprano del apartamento para comprar algunos víveres antes del receso navideño. Al finalizar mis diligencias y mientras manejaba de regreso a mi hogar, pasé por el Paseo Juan Guillermo Iribarren, un boulevard peatonal que recientemente estuvo sometido a labores de mantenimiento por parte de las autoridades locales.

Decidí estacionar mi carro a un costado de la calle para tomar algunas fotografías, aprovechando el buen tiempo y que no se encontraba abarrotado de personas como suele suceder en las noches, donde algunos vecinos acuden a pasear, practicar algún deporte, o simplemente, distraerse.

All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the #LoveTheClouds Contest. This is an initiative of @tobetada.

Here is the link with all the information in case you wish to participate. I hope you enjoy it.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 23-12-2023

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