Beautiful butterfly

On an outing that I went to a hacienda I could notice some beautiful flowers that were planted as decoration, apparently they are carnations, they look so beautiful and striking.

What I also loved is seeing the butterflies flying over them and there were many butterflies in abundance, for me it would be the first time that I see so many butterflies in the same place, it reminded me of some documentaries where several butterflies were seen on the flowers.

By researching a little about these flowers I was able to find out that their name is orange patch butterfly, they were very striking due to their red and orange colors, it is one of the things that I like about nature, its beauty and diversity, it is something in which one you can enjoy so much beauty, this is one of the species for which they go through several processes to reach their last one in which they demonstrate their beauty, but many times these beautiful butterflies are also usually a pest in some cases since in their worm stage they need to feed to reach their last stage, in which they often die when laying the egg.
