My Estranged Brother Turned 40 - Spending Time With Family
The oldest (Martin) of my two brothers, (both younger than I), turned 40 a few days ago. He came to visit my mom on his actual birthday (something he hadn't done since he turned 24 our autistic brother Markus informed us), he'll throw a birthday party next Saturday, back in Stockholm. And since I live close to my mom now (something I haven't done in over 20 years) it would have been strange (I suppose) not to come and see him at my mom's. But I can't say that it was something I was looking forward to, we don't have a good relationship. My youngest (autistic) brother was really looking forward though, he doesn't see Martin much.
It was a very intensive couple of days, even though it was just me, my two brothers, and our mom. It's kind of a full-time job to look after my autistic brother and you have to be very considerate around him. And of course it was extra delicate with Martin visiting.
I realize I don't share much about my family here on Hive. Even to write this makes me a bit uncomfortable. There's a lot I could say about my autistic brother, but it doesn't feel good to expose him like that. Let's just say that I have a lot of love for him and it saddens me that my other brother Martin doesn't really engage much with him. But he doesn't with anyone in the family. It has been like that for many years. But we were really close when we were younger (it's only 2 years between us). Anyway, he's family and it's hard to just cut contact completely. Even though years sometimes pass without us being in contact. And that was also during a time when we both lived in Stockholm...

For many years I grieved our broken relationship. I tried so many times to fix it. But I always felt like I was walking on eggshells around him, never knowing when I would say something that would cause him to have a strong reaction. The strenuous relationship we did have back then always came with a lot of conditions from his side. Conditions that I finally felt I couldn't accept. From my perspective, I didn't think they were fair at all. So it was better after all not to stay in touch.
This was already 10 years ago or something. I don't grieve anymore. I have accepted that he's not a part of my life. After all, it takes two to tango and when the other person doesn't make any effort it's just best to drop it. But it's just not me, he never calls my mom either. I guess the difference is that my mom sometimes calls him. At least a few times a year whereas I don't.

But when we do meet, like now to celebrate his birthday, we can talk, it's not like we fight or something. And some things we still agree on and can discuss. But we have really evolved in such different directions. Or that's how I have thought of it. But then Martin said something like:
You don't really change much, you stay the same throughout your life.
This was to say that he pretty much felt like the same person now, 40 years old, as he was 20 years ago. For myself, that couldn't be further from the truth. It made me realize that I have probably changed much more than he has. Most of my interests have changed, and also at least some of my values.
Many of the things that are important to me nowadays he doesn't only understand, he also doesn't respect them. He once told me that I was too smart to 'believe' in spirituality and even got really upset (my brother is a very convinced atheist). He also doesn't understand at all why I'm so interested in crypto.
I told him during his visit that one of my strongest values is freedom. He then said:
Freedom always comes at a cost for someone else. If you exercise your freedom, it means someone else is less free.
That made me realize that we have a very different understanding of the word freedom and what it means. But I don't have any interest in debating things with him. I told him that I have no interest in debating or trying to convince anyone anymore. That he had a hard time understanding.
After he had left yesterday I felt exhausted and quite low. It affects me after all, to spend time with him. My mom was also tired. She said that Martin has distanced himself so much from his family, he's like on the outside. She also said that she understands how I feel. You make such an effort and it's not valued, or not even seen.
I explained to Martin that Markus (our autistic brother) had been looking forward so much to seeing him. Martin said that's just because I'm a fantasy to him, he doesn't see me much. And that it would continue to be like that, he won't come and visit him more often. And I know that's his right of course, but it still makes me a bit sad.

Thanks for reading 🌸
Love and blessings to you all 💚
Thanks for sharing this with us, I know it must have been tough to do so, to open up about this topic.
This situation actually reminds me of a Polish film that I watched a couple of months ago and blogged about.
Let me look it up...
It's a drama, in all honesty, about an estranged family.
A beautiful and powerful film but I'm not sure how it would make you feel.
Family Life, 1971
You could say that it's written/ shown mostly from the perspective of the estranged son
but, in this case, his father and sister ( the mother has left a long time ago and only writes letters ) still live together in a big house that is literally breaking apart and they are the weird/ crazy ones.
Anyhow, I don't mean to make any comparison, it just popped up in my mind.
We don't 'choose' our family, we are born into one, but it's hard not to be confronted with them and family dynamics on an almost daily basis, especially if you live close to each other
Sending you a big hug,
Hi Vincent, thank you for your comment 🙂
Not sure I want to watch that movie, haha. But that's more because of the fact that a rarely watch movies at all (as you might be aware of, I think I have shared that)?
And it's not like my whole family is estranged, I have a very close and great relationship with my mom and now I'm also very happy to be able to see my youngest brother on a regular basis. (And I was also close to my dad). What I'm trying to say is more that it's my brother Martin that has distanced himself from the rest of the family. I hope that came across in this post.
I got that. Happy to hear that! And yes, it sure came across that your 40 year old brother is the 'estranged' one, it's just that my 'movie mind' thought of that film and I always think in parallels.
Probably better not to watch that film though, if you ever find it. It might be traumatic ;<)
Big hug!
Haha, I guess you're right. It's a rather common theme in films though, family. Hard to avoid it altogether 🙂
Exactly :<)
You can't choose family, and siblings can be the worst of them. Unfortunately. I don't know your situation, but it isn't uncommon and when it comes to not respecting what you are into, that is common too, especially when they don't understand it. At some point, family can drift so far that they are just people you used to know once upon a time. It sounds sad, but letting go can also make room for better, for people who deserve our time and energy, who want and need it, and are willing to reciprocate.
Looks like a nice lake to spend the summer by :)
Thank you for these words. You're absolutely right and the best is of course to accept things as they are. I have come a long way in doing so but it still stirs up some emotions when I do see my brother.
Oh yes it is, love it here 🙂
I live a very different life to my sister. But we always find a way to meet. A middle point. I do feel lucky to be able to do that, as we have completely different values in life.
I'm So sorry your brother doesn't value you, even make the time to get to know you, it sounds like he has shut you all out completely. Which is also sad for him.
As they say, we can't choose our family, but we can create another and surround ourselves with people who care for us.
Sending you a hug, he is really missing out on not not knowing his wonderful sister xxxx
Thank you so much for your kind words 💚
I'm so happy for you that you have found a way to relate to your sister, even though you have completely different values. I do believe that's absolutely possible if there's a willingness to do so, from both sides.
It can be so complicated with family though, I know it could be way worse. But I'm grateful for the close relationship I have with my mom.
Convinced atheist. To me, that sounds like a staunch believer. I don't think you can be 100% sure about these things.
I have no problem with him being an atheist. It's the lack of respect from his side that I have a hard time with.
Well, no one will feel comfortable telling us about his family this way. Well, your older brother Martin is just like my older brother too. He does not relate much with the family and it is very bad. It annoys me so many times but I just have to stop getting angry at him since he's my older brother but it can be very painful.
I just always do my best to call him and say hi even though he does not reciprocate
Martin is actually not my older brother, I'm the oldest of us siblings, Martin is the oldest of my 2 brothers though 🙂 But that doesn't really matter and I guess I didn't express that very clearly, haha.
That sounds really hard, with your older brother. I hope things will improve 🌸
Despite everything, there is no better company than to spend it with the family, it is what God gave us at birth.
I can't say that this feels true for me but I'm happy for you if that's your experience.