Urban self portraits

Greetings to all my friends in the beautiful Photography Lovers community, I hope you are having an excellent day.

I am still here exploring the world of self-portraits, applying my knowledge to achieve a professional result in my photographs.

For this photo shoot, I had the idea that I wanted it to be urban, and what better location than a terrace full of buildings? I also used an outfit that gave that urban look.

Un saludo a todos mis amigos en la bonita comunidad de Photography Lovers, espero tengan un excelente dia.

Yo sigo aqui en la exploracion del mundo de los autorretratos, aplicando mis conocimientos para obtener un resultado profesional en las fotografias.

Para esta sesion de fotos tenia la idea de que queria que fuera Urbana y que mejor locacion que una terraza llena de edificios y tambien utilicé un outfit que diera ese aspecto urbano.

To take these photographs, I used my Canon RP camera with a 50mm lens at f/2 and placed the camera on a tripod. I connected the camera to my phone via Bluetooth so that I could see the entire frame and take the photo from the phone.

Even so, I also used a 10-second timer to give me time to hide the phone and strike a pose.

Para tomar estas fotografias utilicé mi camara Canon RP con un lente 50mm a 2f y puse la camara en un tripode, conecté la camara a mi telefono mediante bluetooth y asi podia ver todo el encuandre y tomar la foto desde el telefono.

Aun asi igualmente utilicé un temporizador de 10 segundos para que me diera tiempo de esconder el telefono y hacer la pose.

I have found it interesting and even relaxing to work on self-portraits because I feel that I have no pressure and with all the time in the world I can put together the compositions to my liking and if something goes wrong I can simply try again without any external pressure.

Thanks to that, I take my time to make sure the photos turn out well. Obviously, I took many more photographs and here I only share the ones that passed the quality selection.

Me ha parecido interesante y hasta relajante trabajar los autorretratos pues siento que no tengo presiones y con todo el tiempo del mundo puedo armar las composiciones a mi gusto y si algo sale mal simplemente volver a intentarlo sin ningun tipo de presiones externas.

Gracias a eso me tomo mi tiempo en que las fotos salgan bien, obviamente tomé muchas mas fotografias y aqui solo les comparto las que pasaron la seleccion de calidad.

I explored different areas of the location to obtain variety in the photographs and different types of compositions. The following photos were taken on a stairs to use the guide lines as a composition method:

Exploré diferentes areas de la locacion para obtener variedad en las fotografias y diferentes tipos de composiciones, las siguientes fotos las tomé en una escalera para utilizar las lineas guias como metodo de composicion:

And something extra that I like about taking these self-portraits is that it forces me to learn "how to pose" which will be very useful when I am working with clients.

Y algo extra que me gusta de hacer estos autorretratos es que me obliga aprender "como posar" lo que me será muy util cuando esté trabajando con clientes.

These self-portrait sessions also help me to be more comfortable in front of the camera and to have more confidence in general.

I hope you enjoyed the photos as much as I did!

Estas sesiones de autorretrato tambien me ayudan a estar mas comodo frente a la camara y a tener mas confianza en general.

Espero que les hayan gustado las fotos tanto como a mi !


Congratulations you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency


Great shots. It has been so cool watching your skills evolve over the years.


It is a honor to read that coming from you, i really study educative content everyday and practice the most i can

i'm starting to feel that i got a more sensible eye now


It's great how you're mastering urban photography while enjoying the process. Keep capturing those moments with your unique style brother


Thanks man!! i'm really enjoying it!
