Premium Content On Hive - How would it work?



A couple of days ago this was brought up by one of us here on Hive and after giving it much thought, I kind of feel it's something that should be integrated on Hive and I pretty much believe many would pay for it even though they have previously claimed otherwise.

Curiosity is one of man's weaknesses and the key to a successful advertising campaign

People on Hive tend to feel that they would never pay for anything published here as "content" but I see how that is actually not true, in fact, they are already paying, just not directly. You see, when you're within a space where you take interest in whatever happens there you'd find yourself more attracted to many things than usual.

Let's take a crypto enthusiast for example. We all are aware of the shits that have been going on with FTX, now Genesis is in the spotlight which is causing the speculation that Coindesk, the famous crypto news outlet may be sold off to manage Genesis's liquidity crisis.

A crypto enthousiast generally would want to know the full gist right?

So what if all of the sudden you see a premium content pop on your feed with the title "How Coindesk dug its own grave investigating FTX's insolvency while Genesis was only a few blocks away"

You mean to tell me a couple of you all won't pick an interest in such content? I know for a fact I will get some subscriptions because that makes literally anyone curious of what relationship these three companies share. This is leverage in marketing, if you cannot get a human curious, you might never build a successful brand, the ability to attract is where advertising flourishes.

It's not always about having the market

I initially commented that Hive didn't have the market for premium content but I was wrong, the fact that we simply lack the tools for a start is why we'd think that. A trial will prove that a market isn't always pre established, sometimes it has to be formed.

Having such tools will bring the market for it, I mean we have great artists on hive, some people will definitely pay to see some premium works. We have travel bloggers, we freakin have divers, sea explorers and some awesome finance gurus, we actually have quite the audience if you ask me.

How would premium contents be integrated on Hive?

Given that this is a blockchain, it has to be an encryption for it to make sense, if not, anyone can easily access it looking through the blocks.

We have to use a two way hash function that allows an author to publish his content as an encryption, setting the rules such as "If a user tips this pot 25 Hive, successfully signing the transaction with an active key" decrypt content for the user.

Now I'm not sure how easy it would be to do something like this, but we already have a similar function with transactions and encrypted memos, so I guess something advanced can be built from there.

Or maybe, I just got another idea. What if the rules are "If a user tips this post with 25 Hive, send an encrypted OTP to the user" so in this case, when the premium content is tipped that amount by any account, an OTP will be sent to the user of which he can use his memo key to decrypt, gain access to the OTP and use it to unlock the content, how's that?

One problem however is that when one user gains access to a content, it can be redistributed, so to reduce that tendency, premium could be pulled from a childchain and also publicly hosted on a subdomain but pulled to the main feed of the network just as any other content on Hive. Why? This way the network can be more efficiently customized for just what it's for and the reason for hosting it on a subdomain when looking at the frontend of things is so that things like right click functions will be disabled, this way a user cannot click to copy any content directly from the site and screenshots should be blocked too to limit the reproduction or distribution of premium content.

I'm not sure how difficult any of this would be to implement but I sure as hell think that at some point, it will be needed on hive given that earning from the rewards pool isn't always going to be the best option and building more ways for users to monetize their content and directly transfer value between themselves will be great for the economy of Hive.

And lastly, I expect for fees to be attached in some way, maybe funds will need to travel through a smart contract for it to be possible, not everything on Hive has to be free, the network needs to start making money from some transactions we perform, long-term, it benefits us all. But of course, fees should only come in if a user actually gets paid via subscriptions.

As always, this is one of my shower thoughts.

Do leave a comment if any.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL


I would love to have a way to be able to lock content and have it unlocked by either a recurring transfer or something like a Hive Engine NFT. I hear that may be coming down the pipe, but you have some good points.

0.000 PAL

Premium contents will be great on Hive, I personally would occasionally dive into some exclusive deep research for such monetization tool.

0.000 PAL

Hello! I came here by reading this post!
Do you know that this is already an option in @liketu?
You get to create subscription levels and create exclusive content!!
An older post of mine here explains more :)

0.001 PAL

Oh I did not know that. Will have to check it out.

0.000 PAL