Tracking my investments - Heres todays - 25/04/2022

So This is where I'm going to record what I am investing in, My basic plan is to put £10 for every hour overtime I do into a mixture of a lifetime ISA for later life and a stocks and shares ISA for the long term (but with the ability to access if needed.)

I did 5 and a half hours overtime today, so thats £55 to invest! I have put £20 on the S&S ISA, £10 on the Lifetime ISA. the other £20 I am going to put into a ring fenced account for mortgage overpayments.

I now have £100 available so will buy into a fund! this time I am choosing.. Fidelity Index World (Class P)

I can repay 10% of the total amount extra each year! thats approx £1200 a month so no worry's about doing more than that lol...

