Shaking off my fears


. Pixabay

A Nigerian wedding is not something you go to without shaking the hell out of yourself, especially if you are among the special followers of the bride. The vibrant colors, the infectious music, the lively atmosphere—it's an event filled with joy and celebration. However, for someone like me, who is constantly worried about how the public perceives me, the thought of dancing in front of a crowd was daunting.

I’ve never considered myself much of a dancer. My movements always felt stiff and awkward, unlike the smooth, effortless grace of those who seemed to be born with the gift of dancing excellently. So, when my friend Chiamaka asked me to be part of her bridal train (Ashoebi), I knew there’d be a big deal in what she was asking of me.

Chiamaka and I had been friends since childhood, and I couldn't say no to her. She was excited about her big day, and I wanted to support her in every way possible. But as the wedding day approached, my anxiety grew. I spent sleepless nights imagining myself fumbling on the dance floor, feeling like a fish out of water with everyone's eyes on me, judging my every move.

On the day of the wedding, the atmosphere was superb. After the church program, we headed to the reception venue.
The venue was adorned with beautiful decorations, and guests arrived dressed in their finest traditional attire, the wedding cake was eye-catching, in fact, everything looked perfect!. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the rhythmic beats of the talking drum. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that this day was about Chiamaka and her happiness.

As the ceremony began, everything went smoothly. The bride looked stunning, and the groom dressed in his ash suit and pink shirt couldn’t stop smiling. But then came the moment I had been dreading: the dance. It was time for the bridal train to make the grand entry with the bride as is customary, and my heart started pounding.

The music started, and the beats filled the air. The other bridesmaids moved effortlessly, shaking and dancing with joy. I took a deep breath and tried to relax, reminding myself that I was here to celebrate my friend’s happiness. Slowly, I started moving to the rhythm, feeling the music guide my steps. All the popular afrobeats were played and just the beats will move anyone to dance!


At first, my movements were hesitant, but as I watched the smiles and heard the cheers of encouragement from the guests, I began to let go of my fears. The music seemed to take over, and I found myself enjoying the moment. I felt really excited within me as I danced, and soon, I was moving with a confidence I didn't know I had.

To my surprise, the guests clapped and cheered, not with judgment, but with genuine joy. I realized then that they were not focused on my dancing skills but on the celebration and the happiness that filled the room. The sense of community and support was overwhelming.

As the night progressed, I found myself dancing more freely, no longer feeling like a fish out of water. The music, the energy, and the love in the room carried me away.
By the end of the night, I was exhausted but proud of myself. I had stepped out of my comfort zone and discovered a newfound confidence. More importantly, I had been a part of my friend’s special day, sharing in her joy and creating memories that we would both cherish forever.

In the end, it wasn’t about being the best dancer or worrying about what others thought. It was about celebrating love, friendship, and the beautiful journey that brought us all together. Though I was very happy when the dance part was finally over because my excitement was still mixed with a bit of nervousness lol.
It was hard to forget about that party, it was among the best moments I've ever had, this is actually how it feels whenever I gather up courage to leave my shell and do something extraordinary.
I was so happy that I no longer felt like a fish out of water!


You remind me of my first dance hehehe, it wasn't easy at first but it was worth it in the end.

There is this great feeling afterward when we strive to leave our comfort zone to try new things.
I'm glad you came out of your shells, to explore the fun part of yourself.


Indeed, I had fun hehe. Thanks for your time here sis ❤️


This kind of feeling.
I always make sure I stay in the middle of the dance line and cover my poor dance step very well😂


Na so o, that way you'll be covered from some people lol


Many of us are like this, whenever I try dancing I feel awkward and for this reason I try not to dance no matter how infectious the music is.


Really? Lol. Sha me most of my dances are done indoors lol. Doing it in public gets me nervous!
