Kindness in unique ways! 🌺🌼

In a world where kindness seem scarce, I believe there are a lot of ways we can show it. Finding ways to brighten someone's day can make a huge difference.
For me, I believe that showing kindness is not difficult and we can show kindness in every little way.


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I find joy when I see someone smiling because of me, it gives me the best kind of satisfaction, knowing that I've contributed to someone's happiness and this is just what showing kindness does. It keeps both parties happy!

With that, I try spread kindness and positivity in ways that I can!


Sometimes just saying a simple "Thank you" can go a long way to show someone that they feel appreciated. So I do my best to appreciate the people around me. I love to say thank you to my mom after my meal, I appreciate my siblings when they helped out, I also say thank you to a stranger who lends me a helping hand.

I believe that a heartfelt Thank you can make someone feel appreciated and valued. And it costs nothing from me!


I am always moved to help others out in different situations, there are a lot I can do which I try to do but there are also a lot that I can't do as a limited human. So what I like to do is Pray for Others.

Praying for my friends, I believe is a powerful way of showing kindness. I like to ask God to help them with the things they need, give them comfort for what they are passing through and give them the peace that surpasses all understanding to guide their heart! I also like to let them know that I'm praying for them because knowing this alone can provide comfort and hope.


Just a smile can lift a weary heart, so I like to give a friendly smile to someone I meet, that might just be what the person needs.
We can paint a thousand picture, speak a million words, tell a thousand stories, but a smile is what really brightens someone's day!
Sometimes when I meet someone and I don't know how to start a conversation, giving a smile first makes it easier for me. So yes, smiling might seem like a small gesture but it comtributes hugly as an act of kindness


I also like to give a listening ear when someone is distressed, I know I'm a good listener though I like to think of the right words to say, but I believe a distressed person really needs someone that will listen so I try to fill in that part.

Small acts of kindness that I like to show involves checking up on my friends, sending them text messages to know how they're doing. Offering to help a friend with groceries...I like to stay alert to opportunities where my help can make someone’s life a little easier.


I believe Kindness doesn’t have to be grand or expensive; it’s often the small, thoughtful gestures that make the biggest impact. And the best reward for kindness is greater inner joy!

But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate~ Ephesians 4:32

This is my response to the #thoughtfulthursday prompt


From this read, it’s obvious you are a kind soul and your type is much needed in the world today.
It’s of utmost importance to show kindness to others and we all, not matter how imperfect we are, not matter how evil, no matter how damaged, we all are capable of showing it and it makes the world a better place.


You're so right! Thank you for your kind words 💜


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency


Hi @madilyn02 you live in the richness and abundance of kindness, it is in you and so you expand it around you, to your own and others. I agree with you when you say that it is so easy to be kind, I do not understand why sometimes it is so complicated to understand and practice it. It has been a pleasure to be here, health and well being for you and yours !HUG !LUV !LADY


These are very kind and beautiful words from you my friend ❤️, thank you so much for your time here 🤗


Thank you very much, health and well-being !LUV
