Voodoo Ranger - Beer of the Week#beersaturday



Hello everyone, it's #beersaturday once again, and today I have another bloody ripper of a drop to review.

I've been loving my IPA'S lately, and when I entered the bottleshop and saw this absolute creature staring right back at me I was capsulated.

What on earth is a Voodoo Ranger?

A Little History

Tell me.. When you hear the word voodoo what springs to mind?

I can almost guarantee that you'll reply with something along the lines of 'black magic', and 'curses'. And you know what, your not to blame. America and Hollywood have sensationalised this through constructing their own narrative around Voodooism.

Take the idea of Vodoo dolls as an example, one they portray to society in many movies. This is a socially constructed portrayal of Voodooism based on negligence to truly understand cultural rituals and beliefs.

So what does Voodoo Really Mean?

Voodoo is actually a religion that stems and originates from Africa. A religion that is practised by many around the world.

To summarise it briefly, it is foundated on the intertwinement of two worlds, one visible and the other invisible. Simply put, death is transcending to this spiritual/invisible world; therefore those predecessors watch over and influence the visible world.

Voodooism is far from this black magic depiction Western society naively constructed. In essence it is a community-centered approach built on the foundation of supporting individual experience, empowerment and responsibility. An interaction between two worlds.

Enough with the History Lesson


Voodoo Ranger is an Indian Pale Ale possessing an ABV of 6.8%, meaning as the name suggests has the capability of transcending you to another realm if you have too many.

It is brewed by New Belgium Brewing here in Australia, in which they describe as carbon neutral breweries.


This particular beer is described as bursting with tropical aromas and juicy fruit flavours. Constructed through a combination of Mosaic, and Amarillo hops, Voodoo Ranger is promised to be a refreshing golden IPA, with a sublime finish.

Sounds bloody delicious, time to put it to the sword.

Taste and Appearance


As you can see, once poured a vibrant and glowing golden appearance was present.

I was feeling a little sophisticated today, so thought we'd enjoy this week's beer out of a large wine glass.

In terms of appearance I'd say the colour of this beer is probably the most inticing and appealing that I've ever poured. A fruity aroma was present too, tickling more than just one of my senses. Voodoo Ranger was a sensory overload, but would my heightened expectations be derailed?


And the moment you've been waiting for.. well the moment I've been waiting for anyway.

The first sip was heaven on the lips. That hazy taste associated with a quality IPA was the first thing I tasted. The fruity aromas transcended to my tastebuds, and a slight bitterness existed that made this beer seeminglessly refreshing.

If I had any criticisms about this beer, it would be that I only grabbed one and that was not going to be enough to satisfy my quenching thirst once the enchanted spell of the Voodoo Ranger had touched the back of my throat.


In conclusion, the Voodoo Ranger in my humble opinion is one hell of a beer.

From the attractively unique design. It's golden and fruitful appearance, and its strong ABV%.

Full of refreshingness and not shy on hazy flavour. An absolute treat on a hot and sticky summers afternoon. The wifes off to the bottleshop as we speak.

10/10 from me.

Hope you enjoyed my brief history lesson, and today's #beersaturday review.

Have a blessed weekend 🍻


Cheers! This beer looks nice! 😎 🍻 🍺 !BEER


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