My Instinct Didn't Lie.


Intuition is such a powerful force if only we pay attention to it.

This prompt reminds me of last year's holiday when my little cousins came to spend the holiday in our house.

She was about three years old but very active, no doubt she was fun to be with and I enjoyed every day she spent in our house because did so many funny things which everybody laugh so hard at home.

My room was very fancy and I had a trolley beside my bed where I kept my powder, perfume, cream, combs ad the like.

One evening, I noticed my little cousin wasn't around my sight, normally she loved to scribble on books or see a cartoon when there was a power supply, but this day, she wasn't even in the sitting room.
I tried to call her name, but then my instinct told me she was up to someone since she was quiet.

I walked on my tippy toe to my room to see if my intuition was strong enough to be trusted, and lo and behold, my cousin was very busy with the powder in my trolley stand, she had already wasted them on the ground, and rubbed the cream all for her body. My inner mind was right and I was time on time to enjoy the show.



I stood quietly watching, until when she was about to taste some of the powder which was on the floor, I jumped right inside and stopped her so that she doesn't harm herself when she saw me she knew she had done something mischievous and so she started to laugh.

Since she was just a kid, I couldn't spank her, so I removed the powder and cream from the floor and took her to the number to have a bath. I felt bad because she wasted a large quantity of my personal items, but well, that's part of having a kid as a guest.

I was glad I followed my instinct at that moment because she would have consumed a harmful substance if I didn't rush in immediately I got that feeling.

0.001 PAL


Thank God you followed your heart and saved your little cousin, haha she must have been surprised to see you.

0.000 PAL

Yeah she was surprised to see me, I was happy I followed my heart.

0.000 PAL

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 166 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL