Una Joya Natural en el Escambray Cubano [ENG/ESP]


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Greetings to all! Today I want to share with you a wonderful experience I had while visiting the Managed Floristic Reserve: Lomas de Fomento, located in the vicinity of the majestic Escambray, also known as the Guamuhaya Massif, the second largest mountain massif in Cuba.

¡Saludos a todos! Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una experiencia maravillosa que tuve al visitar la Reserva Florística Manejada: Lomas de Fomento, ubicada en las inmediaciones del majestuoso Escambray, también conocido como el Macizo de Guamuhaya, el segundo macizo montañoso más grande de Cuba.



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I have had the opportunity to visit many natural places, but the Lomas de Fomento Reserve impressed me from the first moment. The warm welcome we received was exceptional; when we got off the bus or guagua, as we call it here, a breakfast filled with a variety of fruits was waiting for us. For Cubans, having at least 3 fruits on the table is a real luxury, since the availability of products out of season is scarce. This show of hospitality and the delicious lunch included in the package for only 400 Cuban pesos (about 2 US dollars) augured an unforgettable day.

He tenido la oportunidad de visitar muchos lugares naturales, pero la Reserva Lomas de Fomento me impresionó desde el primer momento. La cálida bienvenida que recibimos fue excepcional; al bajar del bus o guagua, como acá le llamamos, nos esperaba un desayuno repleto de variedades de frutas. Para los cubanos, contar con al menos 3 frutas en la mesa es un verdadero lujo, ya que la disponibilidad de productos fuera de temporada es escasa. Esta muestra de hospitalidad y el delicioso almuerzo incluido en el paquete por tan solo 400 pesos cubanos (unos 2 dólares estadounidenses) nos auguraba un día inolvidable.



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The tour of the reserve began with a walk of approximately 3 km, which, although it did not seem long, became challenging as it was uphill and went through small caves. The journey, which took at least 2 hours, allowed us to marvel at both the flora and fauna of the place. The biodiversity was astounding; however, I decided to focus this time on the flora, promising to tell you another time about the fauna and exotic animals we were able to admire.

As we climbed the slope of the mountain, called "Piedra Gorda", an imposing rock, we discovered landscapes of indescribable beauty. Although the route did not cover the entire 198-meter-high mountain due to previous incidents and the difficulty to exceed the summit, I was completely in love with the place. The view from where we stopped was simply breathtaking and worth every strenuous step we took.

El recorrido por la reserva comenzó con una caminata de aproximadamente 3 km, que, aunque no parecía extensa, se volvió desafiante al ser cuesta arriba y atravesar pequeñas cuevas. La travesía, que tardó al menos 2 horas, nos permitió maravillarnos tanto con la flora como con la fauna del lugar. La biodiversidad era asombrosa; sin embargo, decidí enfocarme esta ocasión en la flora, prometiendo contarles en otra oportunidad sobre la fauna y los animales exóticos que pudimos admirar.

A medida que ascendíamos por la falda de la montaña, llamada "Piedra Gorda", una imponente roca, íbamos descubriendo paisajes de una belleza indescriptible. Aunque el recorrido no cubría toda la montaña de 198 metros de altura debido a incidentes anteriores y la dificultad para exceder a la cumbre, quedé completamente enamorado del lugar. La vista desde donde nos detuvimos era simplemente impresionante y valió cada paso agotador que dimos.



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The return was no less exciting. The children who accompanied us rode on "yagua", a traditional game commonly used in the Cuban countryside that brought me nostalgia, as it was one of my favorite pastimes during my childhood. When we arrived at the starting point, we were welcomed with a coffee tasting, which is produced in these same hills. Undoubtedly, it was the perfect ending to an unforgettable day.

El regreso no fue menos emocionante. Los niños que nos acompañaban montaron en "yagua", un medio de juego tradicional utilizado comúnmente en los campos cubanos que me trajo nostalgia, ya que era una de mis diversiones preferidas durante mi infancia. Al llegar al punto de partida, nos recibieron con una degustación de café, que es producido en estas mismas lomas. Sin duda, fue el broche perfecto para una jornada inolvidable.



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The visit to the Managed Floristic Reserve: Lomas de Fomento left an indelible mark on me. The natural richness and exuberant life we found there are incomparable. Being surrounded by thick foliage and witnessing so much natural beauty awakens in anyone the desire to return again and again.

If you have the opportunity to visit Cuba and venture into the Escambray region, don't hesitate to explore this hidden gem. The Lomas de Fomento Reserve awaits you with open arms to offer you a unique experience in contact with nature. And as a nature lover, I can assure you that you will never regret doing it. Join us!

La visita a la Reserva Florística Manejada: Lomas de Fomento dejó una huella imborrable en mí. La riqueza natural y la exuberante vida que encontramos allí son incomparables. Estar rodeado de un follaje espeso y ser testigo de tanta belleza natural despierta en cualquiera el deseo de regresar una y otra vez.

Si tienes la oportunidad de visitar Cuba y adentrarte en la región del Escambray, no dudes en explorar esta joya escondida. La Reserva Lomas de Fomento te espera con los brazos abiertos para ofrecerte una experiencia única en contacto con la naturaleza. Y como amante de la naturaleza, puedo asegurarte que nunca te arrepentirás de hacerlo. ¡Súmate!


Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.
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Lomas de Fomento Reserve is so breathtaking! I love this photo as well:


Imposing yet magestic. Feels like magical too. I'm curious with the amazing flora you have seen. Hopefully, you can also take photos of the animals here on your next visit.


Thanks for your support, soon I will make another post with the fauna that we can find there.


This is such an interesting place to hike. The mountain formation looks like a scence in the disney movie moana.


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