Valentine Day!! Why So Scared?


A teenager who is still in love with someone definitely waiting for this date or day, a day which is consider a day of compassion and love. Yes it is the Valentine's Day, which we will be celebrating tomorrow.

But valentines day is not always good in Indonesia, at least for some people. Now it is become trending in twitter not for good but being use by stupid, moron and hypocrite people.

source twitter homepage

ValentinSinDay is what trending

I still don't understand why anyone willing to put out this kind of hastag on twitter or in any social media, it is a pure religion blasphemy which has always been use as a way to put other usually from minority to go to jail.

Another sad thing is that sometime this kind of statement come from a famous preacher. "Valentine's day is an International Sin day", I still understand that they encourage his follower to not celebrating the valentine day, as it is a holiday of other religions, but calling it with that kind of name is really bad and unacceptable.

His claim comes from the fact that most of the teenager are using the day to celebrate their love and ends up crossing the line by making love. And also several hotels are giving a promo for the day encouraging young people to make use of it.



The people behaviors have nothing to do with the holiday isn't it? If they are crossing the line, that means you are failing to educate them to do what is right or wrong. You failed to guide them to a good path, it is just a coincidence that they are using other's holiday to cross that line in the name of love.

Should you success in guiding and educating them, you should not scare of other holiday.

So happy Valentine day everybody every hivers around the world, love your family you partner and or closed one.

0.000 PAL