Nature, Times And Seasons!

"Time will pass and seasons will come and go."

  - Roy Bean

Nature revolves around time and seasons, and everything that happens in nature does so for a reason. In fact, times and seasons work hand in foot to ensure that everything flows according to nature's order and rhythm, to which we, humans are a part whether we're aware of it or not. No one can comprehend how nature works, nor the mysteries that abound in it. The little knowledge we have about nature, may have come from our experiences and interactions with the natural world around us. Nature made it so for a reason.

Just as we know, time exists for everything under the earth. There's time for the sun to rise, which heralds a new day, and equally time for its setting.

There's also the changing climatic conditions and seasons - winter, summer, autumn etc. Each season, armed with its own unique beauty and challenges come and go in a predictable pattern. They understand that season na turn by turn, lol. Although sometimes, one season can exceed its time due to climate change, it is still nature that made it so, for a reason.

Life too, is time bound. Today, a baby is born and in the course of time, grows into an adult and then ages. Having been privileged to attain old age, it will then be time to answer the call to the great beyond, whenever it comes. When this happens, the chapter of the person's life will be closed.
Judging from human perspective, this is how we hoped for the human life cycle to be but sadly, it is not so. The call to the great beyond cuts across all age brackets - the infants, children, adults and aged. Nature made it so, for a reason.

During the Mass this last Sunday of September, the priest in his homily painted a vivid picture of this. He said that just as children are under the care and control of their parents or guardians today, a time will come when they will grow into adults too. By that time their parents would have aged and will now be under their care and control. This is how nature made but it doesn't happen so always. There are times it takes a different turn, and this is for a reason.

This is a reminder that everything in life is transient, and that we should savor the moment and appreciate the journey as we move through the seasons of life.
Although we are at liberty to journey through life as it pleases us, we should note that;

there's a reason and purpose for being a part of nature's grand design.

We are part of the larger patterns and rhythms of nature and each of us has a unique role to play in life and equally the power to shape our lives and the world around us.
Nature has provided all we need to fulfill these roles, the ball is now in our courts. Play it however you wish, nature will be waiting at the other end.

Thank you for reading.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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A very beautiful write up about the power of nature. Things sometimes don't go according to our well thought out plans and we need to come to terms with it cos that is life.


Very well said. Just like the word of God in the Bible says, my thought is different from your thought. We may have our plans but fate has a different one for us. We can't
Have a great weekend, dear.


Correct 👍

Have a lovely weekend too sis 🥰


This is more reason we should live in the present moment, savor the beauty of it because in the end, seasons change. The best is to live our lives in the best way as long life on earth isn't guaranteed.


Very well said, we are not sure what the next minute will bring so we have to make the best of the moment in time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great weekend


Life is just life in the end, things don't always go as planned, but we just learn to go with the flow of life.


You're right, a very long journey at that and we do not know exactly where it will lead us but we hope for the best.


The Life's cycle have their own time. We are in the world and most of time want to rule the cycle of the life but it is imposible. We only can learn to follow the flow.


So true, we go with the flow and then appreciate each opportunity we have to see life.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.


Cordial greetings @luchyl
Existence is the most exquisite and distinguished ecosystem, heterogeneous, multiverse and metacentric in which we converge many lives of different media and environments, but together we form the biosphere called life. Nature, magnanimous in its power, is the greatest example of cyclicality and constant remaking or rebirth. Nothing is certain, everything is uncertain, we flow in imprecision at all levels, let us live our present with depth and much love, without wasting the possibility of being happy.
We thank you for your reflective contribution, it will always be a pleasure for us to enjoy your productions. Health and well-being to you and yours !LADY

Cordiales saludos @luchyl
La existencia es el más exquisito y distinguido ecosistema, heterogéneo, multiverso y metacéntrico en el que convergemos muchas vidas de diferentes medios y entornos, pero que juntos formamos la biosfera llamada vida. La naturaleza, magnánima en su poder, es el mayor ejemplo de ciclicidad y constante rehacer o renacer. Nada es seguro, todo es incierto, fluimos en la imprecisión a todos los niveles, vivamos nuestro presente con profundidad y mucho amor, sin desperdiciar la posibilidad de ser felices.
Te agradecemos tu aporte reflexivo, siempre será un placer para nosotros disfrutar de tus producciones. Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.


Nature, magnanimous in its power, is the greatest example of cyclicality and constant remaking or rebirth.

Very true, and there's a lot of reasons why it's so, and that which many of us do not have full understanding of.

Nothing is certain, everything is uncertain, we flow in imprecision at all levels, let us live our present with depth and much love, without wasting the possibility of being happy.

Exactly, we go through the journey of life skeptic and unsure of how it's going to treat us or what to expect at the next turn of the road because we have limited knowledge about life. So for each moment we have, let's make the best out of it.

I appreciate your wonderful thoughts on this piece, thank you.

