[WE102] Opening the bedside draw - The unedited EXPOSE!



You know what I love about The Weekend? That's an easy one, it's The Weekend! And I regularly look forward to a Friday night when our mate Galen pops a post with a series of prompts. In looking through them this week, I knew exactly what I'd be doing: opening up my bedside draw for the world to see. This is the results, nothing was touched or moved - be prepared to get an insight into my bedroom and my world: warning - you may find this shocking!

So on approach - looking at my first image, you'll notice an awful lot of dust! A thin layer over everything - including the leaves of the Anthurium. As you can see, we're clearly not dusters in the bedroom. I'll be honest, this is feeling a little bit embarrassing - but let's slow down, before the inevitable opening.

#1 The Pink Anthurium.
Ok - so in our house we have way too many indoor plants. Over the years we've killed a lot, but also found species that tend to thrive - and the top choice are anthuriums. Around the house we must have five or six different varieties of this guy. Our motto: if you're on to a good thing and they're not dead, keep buying them. This one actually started life as a pup, multiplying from another plant - and he's grown. I actually rather like them, looking at him now - but, I confess, he's probably a bit on the neglected side of things.

#2 Drink Bottle
This is pretty much a standard item on my bedside. I fill it up, I drink it, it's empty, I fill it up.

#3 Stack of Books
You know, I am an English teacher, and I do read from time to time. In truth, not as much as I should - I do audiobooks, and go through one a week in the car (I commute 90 minutes per day - that's a lot of books in a year!). Want to know what's on this stack?
'The Giver' by Lois Lowry - it's a novel for Year 8 students, the bookroom lady at school, Karen, offered me that I should read it. I have to be honest, I was given it last November, and I havn't opened it.
'Good Bones' by Margaret Atwood - I do love me some Atwood, and I use a number of her texts in Year 11 and Year 12. This one is a book of her short works, poems and short pieces - her wit is delicious, and the way she uses language, divine. I got about half way through this one; I remember one or two things jumped out, but I need to re-visit it.
#3 The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Allow me to be blunt, if you havn't read this book, you're life is incomplete. It was written during WWII, and it is very much in that modernist mindset - developing threads from Eliot, or Yeats or Pound. You would read it in about 2 hours - and I read it every year, and every year I end up with tears streaming down my cheeks. I cannot recommend it any more. Just read it!

#4 - Mystery Pills!
Ok, not so much of a mystery, they're Mersynofen - an ibuprofen and paracetamol combined. One of these tablets will kill any headache you get. I got onto these about 2 years ago, and I am a fan. For those in Australia, YES - You buy them at the chemist without a prescription. WIN!

#5 - Eye Mask
You know how sometimes you just can't sleep because it's too bright? Solution: EYE MASK! We have a massive window in front of the bed looking out over the ocean in the distance - there's no way we're putting a curtain in front of that.

At work, I've often joked with colleagues - just imagine the romance of getting into bed, and both putting on an eye mask. Pushes sexy to a new level, I'm sure.

And now, the moment we've all been waiting for (me too, actually, as I undertook this challenge, I had no idea what was in my drawer. I probably only open it three or four times a year):



Is it what you were expecting? It's MESS!

#1 - Three cloth face masks
I guess everyone has cloth face masks around the place, as it turns out, I threw all of mine in the drawer. Pretty sure I'll throw 'em in the bin next time I do a clean out - and hope to never see them again.

#2 More Books!
In this stack, I have another novel for Year 7 students I was reading back in 2020. I think I was going to set it as a class reader, but in the end, I didn't and I didn't finish it either. Underneath that one is 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' - not a bad little read.

#3 Creams and shit
Turns out I have two half used tubes of SAVLON - It's an antiseptic cream - you use on it mozzie bites and stuff. It's good stuff, and I always lose it - I am sure I have another two opened tubes in the medicine box in the kitchen. Always good to be prepared! There's also a Coles version of Vicks Vapour Rub - when you get a cold, you put it on your chest to open the airways. The other trick is, you put it on the bottom of your feet (then put socks on) - when you have a cold you always wake up with snot everywhere, but if you do this trick, it does something to your circulation and you wake up feeling better. Trust me - google it! It doesn't work on everyone, but I have the feet for it, apparently.

#4 Eye Mask
If you thought one eye mask was sexy, imagine seeing a second!

#5 Travel bag tag
I forgot I had this, it's a tag you put on your luggage. Not sure I ever used it, but this is where it lives apparently.


So there you have it - I've been exposed as a pretty normal English teacher, with a bedside full of books for teenagers - and thanks, because I am going to take these back to the school library! Always good to do a clean out, and otherwise, you learned that I must be a pretty boring kind of guy! - but with a nice set of drawers. Seriously - my wife seen this online, and I had to do a 10 hour round trip to pick them up a couple of years ago! It's probably the most interesting thing in the photos!

Why not get on THE WEEKEND concept yourself, here's the link:

Photos taken myself, .gifs from TENOR - embedded free from PeakD editing tool.

0.033 PAL


Hahaha Hi Tim

This was fun. I like Galen's take on your drawer contents too 🤣

So it just so turns out that I woke up this morning with a headache - my painkillers are NOT in my bedside drawer because I have a kiddo, so I have to walk up a flight of stairs before I can get to the blissful relief of little green Paindol. I like your idea better!

Dust - well they say it's the remnants of our ancestors that have passed over, why would you want to disturb their peaceful slumber by dusting??

Seeing that book though hurt me, it is going to have to be pressed to get it to close again. I've done that before and regretted it, I hope yours is salvageable.

Galen always comes up with these cheeky little ideas, I think they are so fun and I'm glad you enjoyed putting in your addition. Have a good one.

0.000 PAL

Morning Andrastia - Yea, when I tried to close the book, a little part of me died inside too. The book wasn't happy, and I'm looking at it sitting under another book now, kind of groaning with a wavy cover. Will call that an oops - had completely forgot it was in the drawer, and it had probably lived in the darkness there for far longer than it should have.

Ok, perhaps I'll keep the dust. I certainly didn't bother making an effort to get rid of it since noticing it, so it can stay! Usually with the plants, when I notice they're dusty (and about to die from lack of water) I throw them in the shower. Two birds, one stone.

Have a good one. Tim

0.000 PAL

Hi Tim

I'm glad to read that the book is mending. It may just take a while. We've all done it don't worry, one of those things.

Lol that's actually a great idea, I didn't think of doing that before but I will definitely make use of the shower for reviving dusty plants in the future! I only have three indoor plants currently and I'm managing to keep them alive so far.

Hope you've had a great Sunday

0.000 PAL

Books books and more books, well you can't have too many books. We have got rid of facemasks, and I can sleep through anything,l when I need to sleep so no need for an eyemask.

Totally get you with the plants find what works and get more of them!
Have a great weekend 😃

0.000 PAL

We havn't had facemasks here in a while; except on public transport. This has been amazing! But, I have about 50 disposable masks in my study still in their packs. I was pretty confident teachers/schools were going to keep masks in place for most of 2022, so I purchased a 100 bulk pack - figuring, 100 will do me Term 1 and Term 2, then re-assess. As it turns out, we got half way through Term 1 and they scrapped them. I don't know what to do with them to be honest.

0.000 PAL

Ah well some places here still have their employees wearing them. People have got so used to it they don't complain as a job is a job.
You planned ahead which was cool, if you hadn't bought them, you just know that you would have needed them!

0.000 PAL

I had a lot of fun reading it.... very curious to see what the English teacher has on her bedside table. Thanks for sharing your secret and success in the contest 🤞🏼😉.


0.000 PAL

Bro i just realized i made that weekend post today and its friggin tuesday lol. Swore it was friday in my mind at that moment.

Nice setup though, got some essentials in the drawer. Could be way worse, some people are beyond mess. Keep rockin Tim.

0.000 PAL

I knew exactly what I'd be doing: opening up my bedside draw for the world to see.


Mersynofen - an ibuprofen and paracetamol combined. One of these tablets will kill any headache you get

So, headaches are never an excuse then huh? 🤣

Eye mask

Bullshit...That's your crime-fighters mask, close to hand so you can spring forth from bed, pull it on and keep the mean streets of Macquarie safe for all and sundry.

#2 More Books

I read this as boobs. Probably an indication of where my head's at.

I forgot I had this, it's a tag you put on your luggage.

Liar. It's a tiny bottom spanker.

Thanks for joining in mate, I love this post; how you laid it out and freaky things you have in that bedside table. 😂

0.000 PAL

Thanks for joining in mate, I love this post; how you laid it out and freaky things you have in that bedside table

You know, this has been my favourite topic in a couple of weeks, and I did appreciate the chance to clean up that book stack. I'm sure some of the other posts this week had the potential to be dirtier than the dust on my plant, but as far as freak goes - I think you'll need to try the pot smoking neighbours next door. The old bloke there likes to mow the lawn in the smallest budgie smugglers you'd ever seen, and enjoys his cheeks hanging out for the world to see. First time we ever met Steve, we pulled into our driveway, and he was on the garage roof, bending over, arse in the air - you know the weather has turned when he wears board shorts. Nothing in his drawers would surprise me.

0.000 PAL

Haha, yeah let's shift the mantle of Local Macquarie Freak to Steve - A well-deserved accolade I'm sure.

0.000 PAL

The sound of a window looking out in the ocean sounds stunning but I don't think I can sleep without any curtains, I'd feel way too exposed, plus what if there's a peeping tom outside!!

I don't have a bedside table let alone a bedside drawer nowadays, but when I used to, I barely opened it either. kinda odd why it's so common tbh when people don't seem to use it that much

0.000 PAL