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Morning @kansuze - will move the conversation onto your post - that baby dragonfruit looked so innocent, and then...! Wishing you every success that it will be a high yielder - but, in browsing your posts, it was your Euphorbia that got me hooked!
We have a Euphorbia, whatever it's proper name was, known as 'Fire Sticks' - I had to rip a couple of 2.5m ones out of the yard a few years ago. Got the sap on me, and was itchy for hours! Luckily, no blinding effect! My prize Euphorbia is quite an established 'Ghost' - I hadn't come across hivegarden before, you've inspired me to 'plant my roots' here! ;)
0.002 PAL
It must be funny to see me growing things indoors that you can grow outdoors. Yeah, my euphorbia needs a new pot and I can't do that alone. By the way, I spent 9 months in Australia in 2020.