Cooking and selling at home: my productive and fun weekend.


During those weekend moments, I realized how important it is for me to stay connected to the people around me and how even a small gesture of kindness can make a big difference in someone else's day. I am excited to share my experiences and hope that my enthusiasm can inspire others to connect with them and make this world a kinder and more enjoyable place for all.


On Saturday morning, I got up early around 8:30 am and made a delicious breakfast for myself and my husband. I cooked some arepas, scrambled eggs with cheese, and we made a cup of hot coffee while we chatted happily in the kitchen. After breakfast, we tidied up the house and made sure everything was in its place.

In the afternoon, we decided to watch a movie on Netflix called "Fatale". This film is a psychological thriller that tells the story of a successful married man who gets involved in a dangerous love affair with an unknown woman, which leads her down a path of lies and deceit that endangers her life and marriage. It kept us in tension and suspense until the end.

Later, we went to a children's park in the city and there we met the godparents of my youngest daughter and their children. It was so much fun watching the kids play and enjoy while we ate ice cream and chatted with our friends.



Sunday was a calm and relaxed day as we slept in and enjoyed a leisurely awakening. However, the lack of internet forced us to look for activities to do at home. We decided to go out and do some shopping to stock up on the items we were missing. Although we would have liked to buy more things, the difficult economic situation in our country forced us to be careful with our expenses.


Later, we dedicated ourselves to preparing chicha to sell at home, which resulted in an entertaining and productive activity. Although we had to make two batches of chicha due to unexpected demand, we thoroughly enjoyed the task.


In the evening, I prepared some "poor" pizzas as my daughter calls them, using Arabic bread, Neapolitan sauce, grated cheese and sausages. I cooked them in a skillet until crispy and delicious. I also prepared a meat to make empanadas for the girls' snack during the week. It was a fun and creative night where we enjoyed a homemade dinner and preparations for the days to come.


In conclusion, despite the difficulties and unforeseen situations that may arise in our lives, it is important to maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards each new day. Sunday was a sample of how we can enjoy the little things in life, like sleeping in, cooking at home and spending time with family. So cheer up everyone! No matter what we face, there is always a way to find joy and excitement in our lives and face challenges with a smile on our face. Let's go ahead with determination and energy, and make every day special and memorable!


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