Towards 60 years of age|Week 239
You'll get a year older at some stage in the next twelve months...what are you doing to plan for your life in your older years, let's call it 65 years of age plus. Use your own photos.
This suggestion hooked me from the first moment I read it. I must also confess that the topic of the year 2000 was something I was not very attentive to, but I listened to the elders say many barbarities, I hope none of them died of AIDS.
Let's go to the subject of the 60th birthday, I am very excited because this year 2025 I feel it will be a year of great blessings, because also in the month of August I will have a birthday.
I am very happy because that age is very beautiful and I am sure it will be full of many challenges. And I see myself maintaining my figure, looking for those trendy creams that will give me the desired freshness of every lady at that age. I also see myself in a family restaurant where you can choose from a bottle of wine, a combo of beers or a fast food. I just have to remember to bring my ID.
I am very attentive praying to God to give me the joy of reaching that age and also other years of blessings to see me fulfilled as a lady of 80 years or more, but always waiting for the right will on his part.
I am also taking some drops that are wonderful, these drops regenerate the cells, that is, they reach the nucleus of the cells, they reach the mitochondria. I also bought a kit of these products for only 50$, they oxygenate my brain, my skin, they fill me with a lot of energy. My photos are without filter and I'm not a makeup wearer, I'm thinking of giving color to my lips, even if it's just a little bit.
I will continue with my walks, surrounding myself with people with good vibes, serving the need and through this platform, to remain active.
Happy new year 2025 to all!
Asi es amiga cuidate @lisfabian